Tiếng Việt

Tags: DTu

June 20,2009

Cooperation with the US Cultural and Educational Research Institute

Cooperation with the US Cultural and Educational Research Institute

June 29,2009

One of the strategic goals of the DTU Management Board is to improve the quality of education strengthening international cooperation. On the morning of June 29th, 2009...

Ceremony of Admitting New Party Member

Ceremony of Admitting New Party Member

July 6,2009

On 4thJuly 2009, with the approval of the Hai Chau District and the DTU’s Party Committees, the Party Cell of Student Block 1 held the appointment ceremony...

May 13,2009

IT Knowledge Contest

IT Knowledge Contest

August 13,2009

The IT Knowledge Contest was one of the activities in Informatics Festival 2009 which was held by DTU on 12th August 2009 with the participation of 40 students from Van Lang University...

August 17,2009

September 4,2009

September 7,2009

September 7,2009

New High-School Graduates Eagerly Apply for Admission to DTU

New High-School Graduates Eagerly Apply for Admission to DTU

September 11,2009

Banners, posters, advertisements have been hung everywhere at Duy tan University to invite new high-school graduates to apply for admission, with joy, anxiety and pride on their faces...