Tiếng Việt

Tags: Khoa Du Lịch

Innovative Teaching Method Review Conference

Innovative Teaching Method Review Conference

September 4,2019

On September 3, DTU held an innovative teaching method review workshop, to assess teaching effectiveness and improve the quality of education at the university. Several presentations captured the audience’s attention, including “Innovative Teaching Methods and Significant Achievements of the DTU International School”; “Management of Health Science Students in Labs”...

DTU Establishes Institute for Hospitality Education & Research

DTU Establishes Institute for Hospitality Education & Research

September 20,2019

Tourism in Vietnam has been developing rapidly, especially with increasing numbers of foreign visitors coming on holiday or investing here. Therefore, Vietnam needs to expand and increase the quantity and quality of its hospitality workforce even more, to guarantee the best service. The DTU Institute for Hospitality Education & Research has now been established to focus on Vietnam becoming the leader in Southeast Asia...

Director of DTU Institute of Hospitality Training & Research awarded the Order of Civil Merit by the President of South Korea

Director of DTU Institute of Hospitality Training & Research awarded the Order of Civil Merit by the President of South Korea

September 22,2019

In August, DTU opened the Institute of Hospitality Training & Research and appointed Professor Lim Sang-taek as Director. Recently, Professor Lim was honored by the President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, with an Order of Civil Merit for his outstanding contribution to South Korean education...

Together, Duy Tan Innovates V-Tourism

Together, Duy Tan Innovates V-Tourism

September 28,2019

Professor. Lim Sang Taek, Director of DTU Institute of Hospitality Training & Research, and his colleagues have determined that their mission should be: “Together, Duy Tan Innovates V-Tourism”. On the afternoon of September 26th, an arts exchange program with the Yecheon Tongmyeong Nongyo Conservation...

2019 DTU Travel Day

2019 DTU Travel Day

October 30,2019

On October 26th, the DTU Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism held the “2019 Travel Day”, providing career orientation, enabling broader cooperation with local business and more internship opportunities for Hospitality and Tourism students. Professor Lim Sang Taek said: “The Travel Day is aimed especially at students who plan to become tour guides...

November 11,2019

DTU Collaborates with Dong-A University in Korea for Hospitality Master’s Degree

DTU Collaborates with Dong-A University in Korea for Hospitality Master’s Degree

November 11,2019

The program will be taught at DTU entirely in English, for four semesters, with 26 credits. Lecturers from both universities will teach, and supervise the graduation theses to prepare highly-qualified professionals for local Hospitality businesses or as new university lecturers in Central Vietnam...

2023 DTU School of Hospitality and Tourism Student Research Conference

2023 DTU School of Hospitality and Tourism Student Research Conference

May 17,2023

On May 12, the DTU School of Hospitality and Tourism held a Student Research Conference, to promote research activities among students. After grading, the twelve best projects, from the faculties of International Hospitality & Restaurant and International Travel and Tourism, were selected for presentation...