Tiếng Việt

Tags: Duy Tân

March 12,2018

New 2018 DTU Major in Law

New 2018 DTU Major in Law

March 25,2018

The leadership of the university plans to offer a new major in Law to satisfy ever increasing enrollment requirements and, at the same time, conform to governmental legal and administrative reforms to broaden the education of our students. There is currently a severe shortage of lawyers in Vietnam, and most of them can only be found in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. Law graduates will have many job opportunities to choose from...

What is the Advantage of Studying Overseas?

What is the Advantage of Studying Overseas?

March 26,2018

For students, going abroad to study means flying or sailing in a boat on an exciting new journey across oceans, continents and cultures. This unique journey leads them to the “port of knowledge”, and, later, with a valuable degree from a well-known university and an overall experience which will enrich their lives forever. Students can learn new things, experience new lifestyles, improve their English and rediscover themselves...

DTU Launches the 2018 DTU Startup Contest

DTU Launches the 2018 DTU Startup Contest

March 26,2018

The DTU Startup Center launched the 2018 DTU Startup contest, one of several activities revolving around business startups, all aimed promoting creativity and stimulating the entrepreneurial spirit of the young through practical business projects...

March 8,2018

An Agreement with Halmstad University

An Agreement with Halmstad University

March 21,2018

On March 21st, DTU signed an agreement with Halmstad University from Sweden. Attendees included Dr. Ulf Ivarsson, Senior Adviser for Strategic Internationalization at Halmstad University, Dr. Marie Carlsson, Head of the Department of Health & Nursing, Dr. Jeanette Kallstrand...

March 28,2018

Experience in Publishing International Scientific Research Results in Economics

Experience in Publishing International Scientific Research Results in Economics

March 26,2018

On March 26th, DTU teamed up with the Mekong Development Research Institute to hold the seminar “Experience in Publishing International Scientific Research Results in Economics”. Present were Dr Phung Duc Tung, Head of the Mekong Development Research Institute...

DTU Ranked at the Top of Vietnamese Private Universities

DTU Ranked at the Top of Vietnamese Private Universities

April 1,2018

Twenty-three years since its inception, thanks to its outstanding development and increasingly high rankings, DTU has become nationally recognized and now has high hopes of realizing its dream of soon becoming one of the top three hundred Asian universities...