Tiếng Việt

Tags: tốt nghiệp

DTU Supports the Quang Ngai Provincial Science & Technology Contest for High School Students

DTU Supports the Quang Ngai Provincial Science & Technology Contest for High School Students

February 6,2023

On February 1 and 2, DTU worked with the Quang Ngai province Department of Education & Training to organize the Quang Ngai Provincial Science & Technology contest for high school students, at the Le Trung Dinh high school. Thirty schools and educational institutions with a variety of diverse projects attended, and the contest was held in an environment where the students could demonstrate their knowledge and innovative skills...

DTU Final-Year Students Majoring in Biotechnology Do Internships in Dalat

DTU Final-Year Students Majoring in Biotechnology Do Internships in Dalat

February 27,2023

From February 2nd to 21st, final-year students from the class of K25CSH, the first DTU graduates of Biotechnology, interned at eleven different locations in Dalat, to familiarize themselves with the professional working environment at companies, schools and research institutes there...

2022-2023 Doctoral and Master’s Graduation Ceremony

2022-2023 Doctoral and Master’s Graduation Ceremony

May 16,2023

On May 14th, DTU held a commencement ceremony for Doctoral and Master’s graduates. Attendees included Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU President; Dr. Le Nguyen Bao, DTU Provost; heads of several departments; and newly graduated PhD and Masters with their families and friends...

The First Multimedia Communications Graduation Projects Unveiled

The First Multimedia Communications Graduation Projects Unveiled

May 12,2023

On May 11, K25 graduate Multimedia Communications students demonstrated their talents and creativity by exhibiting their media products. Attendees included: Mr. Mukai Hiroshi, Director of the Borderless Company; Mr. Nguyen Quoc Vu, Director of the B Productions Company; Dr. Hoang Thi Huong, Vice-Provost of the DTU School of Foreign Languages & Social Humanities; Dr. Nguyen Van Duong, Dean of the DTU Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences...

DTU Conferring Ceremony for Doctor of Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Architecture and Bachelor Degree Graduates

DTU Conferring Ceremony for Doctor of Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Architecture and Bachelor Degree Graduates

July 6,2023

On July 5, DTU held the 2022-2023 Degree Conferring Ceremony for Doctor of Medicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Architecture and Bachelor graduates. Awards were presented to 3,200 graduates, who are now qualified to make significant contributions to the development of the country’s workforce, especially in Central Vietnam and the Central Highlands...

Early 2023 DTU Admissions & HSGE Admissions Grades

Early 2023 DTU Admissions & HSGE Admissions Grades

July 12,2023

DTU announced its minimal 2023 grades for early (conditional) admission, based on high-school transcripts, for admission based on 2023 Academic Performance tests and for the minimal High School Graduation Exam (HSGE) grades as follows:...

ADP Program students at DTU offered well-paid job before graduation

ADP Program students at DTU offered well-paid job before graduation

October 30,2023

DTU held a graduation ceremony for its American Degree Program, in collaboration with Troy University. ADP graduates can now become global citizens, with degrees awarded by American universities. After four years of study in Vietnam, they are offered a variety of well-paid jobs, even before graduation...

Master’s Thesis Subjects Ceremony for K25 Economics Students

Master’s Thesis Subjects Ceremony for K25 Economics Students

April 21,2024

On April 20, the DTU School of Business and Economics held a ceremony for K25 Master’s program students to receive their thesis subjects. DTU Chairman and Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co; Dr. Vo Thanh Hai, DTU Vice-Provost; lecturers and 21 graduate students attended...

DTU Students Defend their Graduation Thesis

DTU Students Defend their Graduation Thesis "Communication Project Design"

May 11,2024

After 4 years of dedication and effort on the university campus, students of the 26th Multimedia Communication class at the DTU Faculty of Foreign Languages and Social Sciences had a successful Graduation Thesis defense with the topic "Communication Project Design". This was not only an opportunity for students to showcase their creativity, perseverance, and efforts but also a chance for them to absorb feedback from experts in the field...

First Fashion Design Class at DTU Graduate with Collections Full of Creativity and Passion

First Fashion Design Class at DTU Graduate with Collections Full of Creativity and Passion

June 2,2024

On May 31, 2024, the K26 class, the first of DTU’s Fashion Design program, concluded their four-year university journey with their graduation thesis defenses. The defense session gave the students a chance to showcase their talents and creative ideas, and provided them with a valuable opportunity to receive comprehensive feedback from the expert panel, which helped them further refine their knowledge and specialized skills in preparation for their next career steps...