Tiếng Việt

Tags: Quốc tế

DTU Published At Least One International Paper A Day In 2017

DTU Published At Least One International Paper A Day In 2017

January 3,2018

One of the indicators of the growth of a university is the cumulative annual number of international publications. In 2017, DTU published 372 papers, compared with 230 in 2016 and 1015 in 2015...

DTU at International Conference on Cultural Heritage Preservation and Development

DTU at International Conference on Cultural Heritage Preservation and Development

January 24,2018

In December 2017, Dr. Le Vinh An, Dean of the Duy Tan University Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts, was honored to be the only Vietnamese representative at an international conference on the topic...

The 2018 International Conference on the Environment and Renewable Energy

The 2018 International Conference on the Environment and Renewable Energy

February 26,2018

On February 25th, Duy Tan University, the University of Industry in Ho Chi Minh City and the Hong Kong Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society jointly held the fourth International...

The  International Conference on the Environment and Renewable Energy

The International Conference on the Environment and Renewable Energy

March 3,2018

ICERE 2018, taking place from February 25th to 27th, brought together forward-thinking academics and industry experts in the Environment and Renewable Energy. Presentation topics included: The Development and Utilization of Solar Energy, Biomass Energy and Wind Energy; Nuclear Energy Engineering; Storage...

Meeting with the Consulate General of Canada to Vietnam

Meeting with the Consulate General of Canada to Vietnam

March 8,2018

On March 7th, Dr. Nguyen Huu Phu, DTU Vice-Provost, and staff of the DTU International Relations Office met with the Canadian Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Kim Long, Trade Assistant at the Consulate General of Canada to Vietnam in HCM city...

International Food Tourism Forum at DTU

International Food Tourism Forum at DTU

March 16,2018

Food is a simple and attractive way of promoting a city or a country. Recently, gastronomy tours have been becoming more and more popular in Vietnam, particularly in places such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Hue. Meanwhile, Danang is also planning to promote its unique local cuisine to tourists...

An Agreement with Ungku Omar Polytechnic

An Agreement with Ungku Omar Polytechnic

March 15,2018

On March 14th, DTU signed a Certificate of Collaboration with Ungku Omar Polytechnic in Malaysia. Mr. Muhammad Zubir Bin Mohd Hanifah, Deputy Director of Ungku Omar Polytechnic and Associate Professor Le Duc Toan, DTU Vice-Provost, attended...

Experience in Publishing International Scientific Research Results in Economics

Experience in Publishing International Scientific Research Results in Economics

March 26,2018

On March 26th, DTU teamed up with the Mekong Development Research Institute to hold the seminar “Experience in Publishing International Scientific Research Results in Economics”. Present were Dr Phung Duc Tung, Head of the Mekong Development Research Institute...

California Polytechnic and DTU Students Jointly Develop Modern Agricultural City Project

California Polytechnic and DTU Students Jointly Develop Modern Agricultural City Project

April 1,2018

From March 19th to 31st, fifty senior students from the DTU Faculty of Architecture and California Polytechnic participated in a special class under the supervision of two architects, Stacey White and Greg Wynn, both California Polytechnic lecturers...

An Entrance Exam for Applicants to DTU Advanced Programs

An Entrance Exam for Applicants to DTU Advanced Programs

April 16,2018

On April 15, DTU held an exam for enrollees in the CMU, CSU, PSU and PNU advanced programs, and awarded scholarships worth 100 million vnd to one hundred of the leading students from Danang and Quang Nam. Mr. Nguyen Duc Man, Dean of the DTU International School, DTU lecturers, students and parents attended...