Tiếng Việt

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The DTU Nursing Program

The DTU Nursing Program

July 21,2016

Since 2009, DTU has become well-known for graduating qualified professionals into the local health sector. Recently the university added two new programs...

The “Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases” Seminar at DTU

The “Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases” Seminar at DTU

August 23,2016

On August 22nd, DTU held a seminar on “Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases. Two leading German scientists from the University of Tubingen, Professor Christian Meyer...

End of the English for Shipbuilding Course at the Song Thu Corporation

End of the English for Shipbuilding Course at the Song Thu Corporation

August 23,2016

On August 26th, DTU held a closing ceremony for the English for Shipbuilding course at the Song Thu Corporation, with Colonel Bui Hoang Hai, Deputy Director...

August 31,2016

A DTU Talkshow on the Latest Graphic Design Techniques and How to Study and Practice Them

A DTU Talkshow on the Latest Graphic Design Techniques and How to Study and Practice Them

August 30,2016

On August 30th, Mr. Nguyen Tri Phuong Dong, a famous graphic designer, held a meeting on “The Latest Graphic Design Techniques, How to Study and Practice Them”...

Seminar on Analysis of Drought-Resistant Gene Adaptation in Soybeans

Seminar on Analysis of Drought-Resistant Gene Adaptation in Soybeans

September 1,2016

On August 29th, the DTU Center of Molecular Biology held a seminar “Analysis of Adaptation of the GmNAC Drought-Resistant Gene in Vietnamese Soybeans”...

September 1,2016

A Meeting with the Japanese ICT Delegation

A Meeting with the Japanese ICT Delegation

September 12,2016

On September 9th, a delegation of 160 representatives from 37 Japanese ICT enterprises visited DTU to collaborate on ICT training, as part of the “Japan - Danang Investment Collaboration...

Blood Donation Day at DTU

Blood Donation Day at DTU

September 18,2016

On September 22nd, the DTU Youth Union partnered with the Danang Hospital to donate blood for the sickand to increase student community awareness...

DTU Welcomes K22 Medical Students

DTU Welcomes K22 Medical Students

September 26,2016

On September 23rd, the DTU Faculty of Medicine held a welcoming ceremony for K22 Medical students. Representatives of the Danang Department of Education & Training...