Tiếng Việt

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DTU Enters Regional English Olympiad Final 2017

DTU Enters Regional English Olympiad Final 2017

May 22,2017

Starting on March 31st, the 2017 National English Olympiad held by the University of Foreign Language Studies (UFLS) - Danang University attracted a large number of students...

May 20,2017

2017 DTU Jobs Fair Attracts Ninety-Two Corporations

2017 DTU Jobs Fair Attracts Ninety-Two Corporations

June 6,2017

On June 3rd, DTU continued to collaborate with the Nguoi Lao Dong newspaper to hold the 11th Jobs Fair. There were 99 corporations with 3,100 job vacancies for DTU students and students...

DTU Students Participate in Blood Donation Day

DTU Students Participate in Blood Donation Day

June 8,2017

With the message "A drop of blood you give, a life stays", the blood donation program at DTU is held three times a year, demonstrating the responsibility and enthusiasm of the DTU students...

DTU Students Participate in a Business Startup Training Course

DTU Students Participate in a Business Startup Training Course

June 11,2017

The DTU Startup Center collaborated with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce & Industry (VCCI) and the Business Forum Newspaper to run a Business Startup Training Course on June...

An Agreement with Evolable Asia

An Agreement with Evolable Asia

June 9,2017

On June 9th, DTU signed an agreement with Evolable Asia from Japan. Attendees included Mr. Sul Yoosa, General Director of Evolable Asia, Dr. Nguyen Huu Phu, DTU Vice-Provost...

June 4,2017

An Agreement with the Japanese National Council for the Elderly and Blind

An Agreement with the Japanese National Council for the Elderly and Blind

June 17,2017

Security Association, Mr. Shoji Makoto, standing member of the Kayagakikai Social Security Association, Associate Professor Nguyen Ngoc Minh, DTU Vice-Provost, Dr. Nguyen Huynh Ngoc...

The DTU 2017 International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications

The DTU 2017 International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications

June 17,2017

On June 16th, DTU and the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) hosted the 6th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and Applications (ICMAA). Seventy professors and senior lecturers...

Career Orientation for IT Students

Career Orientation for IT Students

June 15,2017

On June 16th, DTU and the Palo Alto Networks Security Company in Vietnam met to discuss a partnership in the field of Information Security. Attendees included Mr. Philip Cao Hung...