Tiếng Việt

Tags: TU

DTU Accompanies the 20th Youth Informatics Competition

DTU Accompanies the 20th Youth Informatics Competition

May 4,2017

From April 26th to 28th April, DTU held the 20th Youth Informatics Competition. It was a great opportunity for students from all schools to compete and be chosen for an Informatics...

A Traditional DTU Reunion for “Those Who Lived the Beautiful Life”

A Traditional DTU Reunion for “Those Who Lived the Beautiful Life”

May 4,2017

On April 30th, DTU organized a traditional reunion to commemorate the forty-two years of the Liberation of the South, the reunification of the country on April 30th, 1975...

April 26,2017

The Swedish Ambassador to Vietnam visits DTU

The Swedish Ambassador to Vietnam visits DTU

May 9,2017

On May 9th, Mr. Pereric Hogberg, the Swedish Ambassador to Vietnam visited DTU, providing lecturers and students with interesting information about Sweden, the people...

A Meeting with Professor Ngo Viet Trung

A Meeting with Professor Ngo Viet Trung

May 25,2017

On May 24th, the DTU Board of Provosts and lecturers met with Professor Ngo Viet Trung, former Head of Institute of Mathematics at the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)...

A Faculty of Accounting Workshop “Business Meets Students”

A Faculty of Accounting Workshop “Business Meets Students”

May 24,2017

On May 23rd, the DTU Faculty of Accounting held the workshop “Business Meets Students”. The event offered students of the Faculty of Accounting, particularly those in their final year...

“Some Features of China’s Capital Markets” Seminar

“Some Features of China’s Capital Markets” Seminar

May 18,2017

On May 17 and 18, DTU hosted a seminar entitled “Some Features of China’s Capital Markets”. Professor Liu Xiao Wei from St. Ambrose University in the USA...

May 13,2017

Agreement with South Branch of Vietnam Information Security Association VNISA

Agreement with South Branch of Vietnam Information Security Association VNISA

May 28,2017

On May 28th, DTU signed a partnership agreement with the South Branch of the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA). Dr. Vo Thanh Hai, DTU Vice Provost; Mr Ngo Vi Dong...

May 20,2017