Tiếng Việt


DTU Enrolls for the Economics, Management, Finance & Banking, Digital Marketing, and Logistics Programs

DTU Enrolls for the Economics, Management, Finance & Banking, Digital Marketing, and Logistics Programs

DTU partners with leading American universities in Management and Tourism, at Pennsylvania State University, Troy University, and Keuka College and in IT studies with Carnegie-Mellon University. Management, Marketing, Accounting & Auditing and Finance & Banking students now share the most advanced knowledge and skills to prepare for their new careers...

The DTU School of Engineering & Technology Holds the Second Science Conference

The DTU School of Engineering & Technology Holds the Second Science Conference

On April 16th, the DTU School of Engineering &Technology held its second Science Conference to promote research activities at the university. These conferences will enable attendees to become more...

DTU Provides University Enrollment Counseling at Nguyen Trai High School

DTU Provides University Enrollment Counseling at Nguyen Trai High School

On April 16th, Nguyen Trai High School held a hands-on experience day entitled: “Youth aspirations”, with various useful and exciting activities such as a country market food stall display, flashmob...

Environmental Concerns about Dredge Disposal in Sea

Environmental Concerns about Dredge Disposal in Sea

When several days ago three barges, a suction vessel, and an excavator entered the Tho Quang docks in Son Tra district, Danang, to conduct experimental dredging in construction area number 1 in the...

The Adventure of a DTU Architecture student

The Adventure of a DTU Architecture student

Tai has loved drawing since he was a child, but he just considered it a hobby and never thought that he could study a major related to it. However, on the encouragement of his sister, Tai decided to...

DTU Enrolls for Architecture in 2022

DTU Enrolls for Architecture in 2022

The main factor determining the quality of a university is its curriculums. Besides, to help students meet global standards in their skills, an ecosystem supporting acquisition of hard and soft...

Sky-Line Students visit DTU

Sky-Line Students visit DTU

The Sky-Line school provides high-quality international standard education at all levels: kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, and high school. With a team of excellent, enthusiastic, and...

DTU’s Live-stream Series of Enrollment Consultation Sessions for 2022 Applicants

DTU’s Live-stream Series of Enrollment Consultation Sessions for 2022 Applicants

For several years, DTU’s Live-stream series of Enrollment Consultation sessions have attracted the attention of many 12th grade students and their parents. Guests attending these broadcasts are DTU...

Four ways of applying to DTU in 2022

Four ways of applying to DTU in 2022

In the academic year 2022-2023, DTU offers 10 Doctoral, 15 Master’s and 55 Bachelor’s degree programs, with over 100 minors. The University was ranked in the top 500 of universities internationally,...

The “Eco-Friendly Fashion Show” English Eloquence Contest with Environmental Protection Message

The “Eco-Friendly Fashion Show” English Eloquence Contest with Environmental Protection Message

On April 2nd the Faculty of English of the DTU School of Foreign Languages and Social Humanities held an English Eloquence Contest entitled “Eco-Friendly Fashion Show”, through which messages for...

“Step up To the New Normal” GameTalk

“Step up To the New Normal” GameTalk

On April 2nd, the DTU School of Computer Science and Gear Inc held a GameTalk entitled “Step up To the New Normal” to broaden internship and career opportunities for senior students. Attendees...

Attraction of DTU Major in Biotechnology

Attraction of DTU Major in Biotechnology

Biotechnology is developing strongly and finds application in a lot of different fields, leading to a great many minors: Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Microbial Biotechnology, Industrial...

DTU Major in Food Technology with Employment Guarantee

DTU Major in Food Technology with Employment Guarantee

Vietnam is currently the main coffee provider to Russia by quantity, while in terms of turnover Vietnamese coffee in Russia comes second (133 million USD in the first nine months of the year) after...

Graphic Design, Fashion Design: Good Income in Trendy Fields

Graphic Design, Fashion Design: Good Income in Trendy Fields

The dizzying increase in remuneration in this field the last several years has made many people highly interested. According to VietnamSalary, salaries in graphic design showed a clear increase of up...