Tiếng Việt


DTU is the Runner-Up in the 2016 East Asia Go-Green-In-The City Contest

DTU is the Runner-Up in the 2016 East Asia Go-Green-In-The City Contest

On June 10th, Nguyen Cong Duc and Huynh Minh Trang, from the DTU International School and Pharmacology Faculty at Duy Tan University, competed with formidableopponents from Japan...

Three Vietnamese Teams Win All the Prizes at the 11th Network Security WhiteHat Contest

Three Vietnamese Teams Win All the Prizes at the 11th Network Security WhiteHat Contest

On the evening of June 25th, the 11thWhiteHat Contest, which tests competitors’ knowledge of network security, finished, after 8 hours of fierce competition. Vietnamese teams took first...

DTU Students and the Champions of CDIO Academy Innovation Competition 2016 in Finland

DTU Students and the Champions of CDIO Academy Innovation Competition 2016 in Finland

The 12th CDIO Annual International Conference took place in the ancient city of Turku, Finland, from June 12th to 16th. It is a forum where educators from leading technical...

DTU Wins Three Consolation Prizes at the 13th Danang Technical Innovation Contest

DTU Wins Three Consolation Prizes at the 13th Danang Technical Innovation Contest

On May 14th, the Closing Ceremony of the 13th Danang Technical Innovation Contest of 2014-2015 was held at the Danang People’s Committee office. DTU won three consolation prizes...

DTU Wins the 2016 National Go-Green-In-The-City Championship

DTU Wins the 2016 National Go-Green-In-The-City Championship

DTU won the 2016 National Go-Green-In-The-City Championship, which took place on May 19th and 20th at Schneider Electric Vietnam, and became the only Vietnamese team...

DTU Students Win the 2016 National Go-Green-In-The-City Championship

DTU Students Win the 2016 National Go-Green-In-The-City Championship

DTU won the 2016 National Go-Green-In-The-City Championship, which took place on May 19th and 20th at Schneider Electric Vietnam. They won 20 million vnd...

DTU Wins a Big Collection of Prizes at the 2016 National Architecture Festival

DTU Wins a Big Collection of Prizes at the 2016 National Architecture Festival

Duy Tan University, one of the four leading representatives at the 2016 Architecture Festival, was outdone only by those universities with a rich tradition...

DTU, A Big Winner at the 2016 Architecture Festival

DTU, A Big Winner at the 2016 Architecture Festival

Winning 14 prizes, including one first, six seconds, six thirds and one Lucky prize, DTU became one of the four universities with best performances at the 2016...

DTU Wins Most Awards Ever in the 2016 Architecture Festival

DTU Wins Most Awards Ever in the 2016 Architecture Festival

Winning 14 prizes, including one first, six seconds, six thirds and one Lucky prize, DTU became one of the four universities with best performances at the 2016...

DTU Students Win First Prizes in 2016 National Physics Olympiad

DTU Students Win First Prizes in 2016 National Physics Olympiad

The 19th National Physics Student Olympiad was, for the first time, organized at DTU, a private university. This year’s contest attracted 49 teams with almost 300 talented students...

DTU Students Win First Prizes in National Physics Olympiad

DTU Students Win First Prizes in National Physics Olympiad

The 19th National Physics Student Olympiad, taking place from April 21 to 24, attracted 49 teams to DTU, with almost 300 talented students and their physics teachers and experts...

DTU Students Gain Significant Achievements in 2016 Mathematical Olympiad

DTU Students Gain Significant Achievements in 2016 Mathematical Olympiad

DTU students won four third prizes in the 24th National Mathematical Olympiad, hosted at Quy Nhon University in Binh Dinh province, from April 11th to 17th...

DTU Comes First at the 2016 National Microsoft Imagine Cup

DTU Comes First at the 2016 National Microsoft Imagine Cup

The DTU team, consisting of Nguyen Dang Minh Hung, Pham Huu Chau Dat, Le Quang Thanh and Phan Hong Sang, outstandingly surpassed six other strong teams nationwide to win...

DTU Students Participate in the 2016 National Finals of the Microsoft Imagine Cup

DTU Students Participate in the 2016 National Finals of the Microsoft Imagine Cup

The annual Microsoft Imagine Cup was kicked off in Vietnam in November 2015 and has attracted students from universities and colleges nationwide. There are three sections...