Tiếng Việt


DTU Enters the Ninth International Microelectronics Olympiad in Armenia

DTU Enters the Ninth International Microelectronics Olympiad in Armenia

The accelerated pace of research in Microelectronics and IC design has helped to strengthen the position of developed countries in the manufacture of innovative devices...

DTU Students Win Top Awards in the first Danang ICT Innovation Contest

DTU Students Win Top Awards in the first Danang ICT Innovation Contest

With skill, confidence and creativity, DTU students won top awards in the 2014 Danang ICT Innovation Contest, held on June 21st at the Danang Software Park. Taking “Young people...

The 17th Vietnamese Medicine and Pharmacy Conference

The 17th Vietnamese Medicine and Pharmacy Conference

The 17th Youth Science and Technology conference for Vietnamese medical and pharmacy colleges and universities took place at Vietnam Military Medical University...

DTU Wins First Prize in Microsoft Mobile HACKATHON 2014

DTU Wins First Prize in Microsoft Mobile HACKATHON 2014

Young developers worldwide are continually designing innovative software, creating diversified applications to entertain users with technological aspirations. The Microsoft Mobile...

DTU Wins Third prize and the Style Award in the 2014 Robocon Contest

DTU Wins Third prize and the Style Award in the 2014 Robocon Contest

On May 11th, the final of the 2014 Vietnam Robot Contest (Robocon) took place in Nha Trang, in Khanh Hoa Province. The best teams were awarded first, second, third and other prizes...

The DTU-TITAN and DTU-CMU1 Teams Reach the 2014 Robocon National Quarterfinals

The DTU-TITAN and DTU-CMU1 Teams Reach the 2014 Robocon National Quarterfinals

Spectators had the opportunity to witness a thrilling performance in the knock-out qualifying round of the National Robocon 2014 in Nha Trang on May 10th. The DTU Robocon teams...

The DTU-EROS, DTU-CMU1 and DTU-TITAN 2014 Robocon Teams Reach the Final 16

The DTU-EROS, DTU-CMU1 and DTU-TITAN 2014 Robocon Teams Reach the Final 16

The SHABAASH wins that DTU-EROS, DTU-CMU1 and DTU-TITAN teams achieved on May 6th to 9th in Nha Trang greatly motivated them as they prepare to enter the Top 16 in the 2014 National...

DTU Students Win Big Prizes in 2014 National Olympiad

DTU Students Win Big Prizes in 2014 National Olympiad

The 17th National Student Physics Olympiad took place at Saigon University in Ho Chi Minh City from April 14th to 27th, with the participation of more than 200 students from...

DTU Students Win First Prize in the 2014 Danang Skills Competition

DTU Students Win First Prize in the 2014 Danang Skills Competition

The closing ceremony of the 2014 Danang Skills Competition 2014 took place at the Vocational School Number 5 of the Ministry of National Defense in Danang. DTU students...

DTU Wins High Awards in the 22nd Informatics Olympiad

DTU Wins High Awards in the 22nd Informatics Olympiad

With their creativity and dedication, contestants in the 22nd Informatics Olympiad for Vietnamese students and the 38th ACM International Collegiate Programming contest...

DTU Reap High Rewards in the 2013 National Loa Thanh Tournament

DTU Reap High Rewards in the 2013 National Loa Thanh Tournament

Competing with many excellent students from sixteen universities and colleges nationwide, DTU won several valuable prizes in the 2013 National Loa Thanh Tournament...

DTU Excels in the Preliminary Rounds of the National IT Contest

DTU Excels in the Preliminary Rounds of the National IT Contest

Along with the strong development of the Internet, network security issues have been top priority. To find network security solutions, many competitions, both national...

Four DTU Teams Qualify for the 2013 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Contest

Four DTU Teams Qualify for the 2013 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Contest

On October 26th, 165 teams from 56 universities and colleges nationwide officially participated in the ACM-ICPC 2013 national online preliminary contest at 4 campuses in Hanoi...

A DTU Student Wins Second Prize in the Danang Hotel Receptionist Contest 2013

A DTU Student Wins Second Prize in the Danang Hotel Receptionist Contest 2013

People working in the travel business must frequently be on the road, sampling delicious food and taking nice pictures. However, travel agents must also have deep passion...