Tiếng Việt


DTU Turns Seventeen Years Old and Wins Two Emulation Flags

DTU Turns Seventeen Years Old and Wins Two Emulation Flags

The 17th Anniversary of DTU was commemorated on the evening of November 10th, in the presence of many distinguished guests, including the DTU Board of Rectors, the entire staff and students...

“A Dream Comes True”- A DTU Video Clip Wins First Prize

“A Dream Comes True”- A DTU Video Clip Wins First Prize

Competing with over 500 other videos, “A Dream Comes True”, by Thai Bao Long, Nguyen Dac Nhan and Nguyen Quang Thanh, impressed the judges, not with its words and music, but also...

DTU - Champions of the 2011 I/T GALA

DTU - Champions of the 2011 I/T GALA

The finals of the 2011 I/T Gala 2011’s final round took place at Danang Polytechnic University on 27th April, 2011, with five team from Duy Tan University...

New Success for the DTU Informatics Olympiad Team

New Success for the DTU Informatics Olympiad Team

On November 26th 2010, the 19th National Informatics Olympiad (OLP) of 2010 and the 35th International Programming Contest ACM/ICPC in Asia was completed. The DTU Olympiad team...

An International Certificate for DTU Students.

An International Certificate for DTU Students.

On June 27th, 2010, Mr. Dang Huy Hoa, a student at DTU attended the final round of the Vietnamese “Microsoft Office World Champion 2010”. He scored 875 points in Microsoft Excel 2003, in 23 minutes....