Tiếng Việt


Opening Ceremony of the 2013 Green Summer Campaign

Opening Ceremony of the 2013 Green Summer Campaign

On June 24th, the opening ceremony of the annual DTU “Green Summer Campaign 2013” took place, attracting one hundred participants from many departments of the university...

DTU Students Respond to 2013 World Environment Day

DTU Students Respond to 2013 World Environment Day

The two songs “Con duong den vinh quang” and “Que huong tinh yeu và tuoi tre”, performed by DTU students, made 2013 World Environment Day ceremony more exciting...

Annual Blood Donation Day at DTU

Annual Blood Donation Day at DTU

On 9th May, the DTU Youth Union collaborated with the Danang Red Cross Association to hold a “Blood Donation Day” at the DTU campus. This was the first blood donation of 2013...

A Seminar to Celebrate International Women’s Day

A Seminar to Celebrate International Women’s Day

“Women with Love – the Family and Life Today” was the topic of a seminar held by the DTU Trade Union Women’s Division to mark the 103rd International Women’s Day. March 7th also...

The DTU Trade Union Meets with Unfortunate Faculty and Staff

The DTU Trade Union Meets with Unfortunate Faculty and Staff

On February1st, the DTU Trade Union held a meeting to present gifts to twenty-three DTU faculty and staff with economic difficulties. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Minh, DTU Vice-Provost...

DTU Students Donate Blood

DTU Students Donate Blood

On December13th, more than 600 DTU faculty members and students gathered at DTU on Blood Donation Day, organized by the DTU Youth Union and the Danang Youth Association...

Another Expedition of Love to the Dai Son Region

Another Expedition of Love to the Dai Son Region

Putting studies temporarily behind us, we are headed to the remote mountains with many kind-hearted, enthusiastic DTU students, eager to bring some joy and love to the local community...

Vietnamese Women’s Day Event

Vietnamese Women’s Day Event

To celebrate Vietnamese Women’s Day on the 20th of October, the DTU Labor Union held a ceremony for DTU female faculty members and staff. Over the last 18 years, female members...

The 2012 International Coastal Clean-up Day

The 2012 International Coastal Clean-up Day

On the occasion of the 2012 International Coastal Clean-up Day, students of the DTU Department of Tourism and the Vocational College collaborated with members of Youth Union in the...

Mid-Autumn Festivities at DTU

Mid-Autumn Festivities at DTU

On the evening of September 30, the DTU Labor Party celebrated with a Mid-Autumn Festival for the children of DTU’s staff. This event attracted many DTU faculty, staff and their children...

DTU Students Contribute to Make a Brighter Danang

DTU Students Contribute to Make a Brighter Danang

Recently, Danang people may have seen students on the weekends collecting garbage on the streets and on the beaches. There are twenty participants who call themselves the...

DTU and Singapore Polytechnic students help underprivileged children at Hope Village

DTU and Singapore Polytechnic students help underprivileged children at Hope Village

On 19 June, 2012, the Handing-over Ceremony for the renovated Rice warehouse and main hall took place at the Hope Village Center of Underprivileged Children. This was an annual...

DTU Students do Service in the Local Community

DTU Students do Service in the Local Community

Summer is the time for “The Green Summer Campaign”, “The Examination Supporters Campaign” and others, which most students are eager to participate in. These frequent activities...

DTU Youth Union Congress Celebration

DTU Youth Union Congress Celebration

On April 28, three hundred delegates attended the Youth Union Congress at DTU, to elect members of the executive board for the sixth term following the campaign “All for DTU students...