Tiếng Việt

Duy Tan Dream

Two Distinguished Teachers are Honored by Danang

Two Distinguished Teachers are Honored by Danang

On December 31st, Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU President and Provost, and 73 year-old Mr. Nguyen Huu Ai, former Principal of the Danang School of Politics...

Some Impressive Educational Speeches of 2016

Some Impressive Educational Speeches of 2016

Several speeches on the national education system by leaders of education, professional educators and students drew public attention in 2016...

First Private Emulation Block Briefing Conference

First Private Emulation Block Briefing Conference

On November 25th, the first briefing conference of the Emulation Block of Private Universities and Colleges in Danang was held and leaders of the Department of Education...

Preliminary Inspection in the External Evaluation of DTU

Preliminary Inspection in the External Evaluation of DTU

On November 29th, the External Evaluation team of experts from the Ministry of Education and Training held a working session and preliminary inspection at DTU...

A Meeting of New Associate Professors and Ph.Ds

A Meeting of New Associate Professors and Ph.Ds

On November 19th, to mark the 22nd annual celebration and 34th anniversary of Vietnamese Teacher’s Day, the DTU Trade Union held a meeting with lecturers who had successfully...

DTU Health Science Students Hold a Festival of Appreciation

DTU Health Science Students Hold a Festival of Appreciation

On November 20th, to mark the 22nd annual celebration and 34th anniversary of Vietnamese Teacher’s Day, the DTU Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacology...

The DTU 2015-2016 Closing Ceremony

The DTU 2015-2016 Closing Ceremony

On July 7th, DTU celebrated the Closing of the Year 2015-2016 and the 2016-2017 Planning Ceremony. Representatives of the Board of Provosts, department leaders...

Arts Exchange to Commemorate the 91st Anniversary of Revolutionary Journalism Day

Arts Exchange to Commemorate the 91st Anniversary of Revolutionary Journalism Day

On June 19th, With “Fire in the Heart” as its theme, a Cultural and Arts Exchange program was held to commemorate the 91st anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Journalism Day...

The Hero of Labor Le Cong Co during the Renovation period of Education

The Hero of Labor Le Cong Co during the Renovation period of Education

Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU Founder, President and Provost, joined the Vietnamese Revolutionary Movement at the age of 13 and became a party member at the age of 24...

Traditional Reunion of Comrades of B14 and Urban Movement of Hue

Traditional Reunion of Comrades of B14 and Urban Movement of Hue

On March 26th, to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the 41st anniversary of Hue Liberation Day, Le Cong Co, the former revolutionary soldier...

DTU – The Trailblazer in Private Education in Central Vietnam

DTU – The Trailblazer in Private Education in Central Vietnam

Founded in late 1994, DTU was the first private university in the Central Vietnam and Highlands region. The university developed quickly and steadily to provide a high-quality...

DTU Inaugurates the University Pharmacy

DTU Inaugurates the University Pharmacy

On March 2nd, DTU inaugurated their own pharmacy, at DTU 182 Nguyen Van Linh. Companies and government departments involved in the local health sector attended the opening...

Seventy Years Ago - the First General Election - the “Voice of the People”

Seventy Years Ago - the First General Election - the “Voice of the People”

All Vietnamese National Assemblies have left their mark, fulfilling the responsibility entrusted in them by the people and overseeing and resolving important national issues...

The Commemoration of the 71st Anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army

The Commemoration of the 71st Anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army

On December 21st DTU met to commemorate the 71st anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army, founded on December 22, 1944, and the 26th anniversary of National Defense Day...