Tiếng Việt


“Software Project Management” and “Software Testing” Course Opening Ceremony

“Software Project Management” and “Software Testing” Course Opening Ceremony

After the first two successful courses on “Software Requirements Engineering” and “Professional Starter”, on April 7th, two more training courses in “Software Project Management”...

DTU hosts the XXI National Students Mathematics Olympiad in Danang City

DTU hosts the XXI National Students Mathematics Olympiad in Danang City

The XXI National Students Mathematics Olympiad is being hosted by Duy Tan University from April 9th to 13th, 3 in Danang. The Opening Ceremony was the Trung Vuong theatre...

The Singapore Polytechnic Cements its Friendship with DTU

The Singapore Polytechnic Cements its Friendship with DTU

On April 3rd, at the Village of Hope, DTU and the Singapore Polytechnic students held a ceremony to hand-over the renovation work completed on the playground and railings there”...

Associate Professor Dr. Tran Dinh Thien Presents to DTU students

Associate Professor Dr. Tran Dinh Thien Presents to DTU students

“Vietnam’s Current Socio-Economic Situation” was the topic of a 3-hour talk delivered by Associate Pro Dr. Tran Dinh Thien, Director of the Institute of Economics...

DTU Holds a Tourism and Hospitality Marketing Services Workshop

DTU Holds a Tourism and Hospitality Marketing Services Workshop

A workshop on Marketing Services for the Tourism and Hospitality industry was held on March 16th, which attracted an audience of more than 200 lecturers and students from the DTU...

Attractive Scholarships for 2013 DTU Enrollees

Attractive Scholarships for 2013 DTU Enrollees

In 2013, with an educational philosophy and teaching methods based on practical, humanitarian requirements, DTU has decided to spend two billion VND for 800 scholarships...

An Advanced Practical Cooking Course for DTU Lecturers

An Advanced Practical Cooking Course for DTU Lecturers

Upon completion of in a seven-day Food and Banquet training course, the faculty of the DTU Hospitality department and Vocational School lecturers practiced preparing 5-star...

The 2013 DTU Robocon Team Strives for Victory

The 2013 DTU Robocon Team Strives for Victory

Having developed a great interest in robots and a strong will to win, DTU students are once again devoting themselves to studying and, at the same time, creating even better robots...

The Software Requirements Engineering Course Closing Ceremony

The Software Requirements Engineering Course Closing Ceremony

On January 25th, the Software Requirements Engineering course, jointly run by DTU and Da Nang’s Management Board as a part of its Information Technology and Communications...

Training on CDIO at DTU

Training on CDIO at DTU

A training course on CDIO was recently held at DTU, lead by Associate Professor Dr. Le Hoai Bac, Vice-Dean of Information Technology at the University of Natural Sciences...

DTU Students Participate in the Gender Equality Campaign

DTU Students Participate in the Gender Equality Campaign

On December 8th, the Danang Association of Women collaborated with DTU to hold a seminar on “Gender Equality in Politics”, sponsored by the Paz y Desarrollo. Mr. Bui Van Tieng, a member of...

2012 International Week at DTU

2012 International Week at DTU

On December 4th, the opening ceremony of the 2012 International Week, entitled “You and The World”, was held by the DTU Enrollment Center. The event highlighted DTU’s overseas study programs...

DTU holds a seminar on the “2013 DTU Student Mathematics Olympiad”

DTU holds a seminar on the “2013 DTU Student Mathematics Olympiad”

The DTU Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union recently held a seminar on the topic of the “2013 DTU Student Mathematics Olympiad”, which will be held at Duy Tan University...

DTU to boost IT applications in Education and Management

DTU to boost IT applications in Education and Management

Considering IT as a vital source of effective innovation, Duy Tan University has constantly enhanced its IT applications in education and training, management, research...