Tiếng Việt

Duy Tan Dream

DTU Alumni Celebrate 20th Anniversary of the University

DTU Alumni Celebrate 20th Anniversary of the University

Fresh bouquets, joyful smiles, handshakes full of gratitude between lecturers and students meeting again after so many years - all contributed to the warm atmosphere of the welcome DTU...

DTU Organizes Several Events to Celebrate its Twentieth Anniversary

DTU Organizes Several Events to Celebrate its Twentieth Anniversary

After twenty years of growth, Duy Tan University has made its mark as a well-known, high-quality academic institution, winning the trust of the local community and affirming its reputation the very...

Associate Professor Ta Duc Thinh Visits DTU

Associate Professor Ta Duc Thinh Visits DTU

At the “Scientific and Industrial Seminar” organized at DTU on August 30th, Dr. Ta Duc Thinh, Director of the Department of Science, Technology and the Environment in the Ministry of Education...

DTU launches the

DTU launches the "Young People with Duy Tan Aspiration" contest

DTU launches the "Young People with Duy Tan Aspiration" contest...

DTU Meets Journalists on the Occasion of Vietnam Press Day

DTU Meets Journalists on the Occasion of Vietnam Press Day

On June 18th, on the 89th anniversary of Vietnam’s Revolutionary Press Day, DTU met journalists from agencies in Danang city and Central Vietnam, in order to thank them for...

The Youth with Duy Tan Aspiration Contest

The Youth with Duy Tan Aspiration Contest

Duy Tan University officially launched an essay writing contest, entitled: “The Youth with Duy Tan Aspiration” in order to evoke the Duy Tan aspiration and to enhance...

DTU with the “Join hands to protect Vietnam’s sovereignty in the East Sea” program

DTU with the “Join hands to protect Vietnam’s sovereignty in the East Sea” program

DTU with the “Join hands to protect Vietnam’s sovereignty in the East Sea” program...

The National flag in Hoang Sa archipelago

The National flag in Hoang Sa archipelago

The National flag in Hoang Sa archipelago...

The Duy Tan Aspiration

The Duy Tan Aspiration

The “Duy Tan Aspiration” Ceremony began a series of events to commemorate the 20th anniversary of DTU and was held on the evening of April 29th at the Trung Vuong Theatre...

The Duy Tan Aspiration

The Duy Tan Aspiration

The “Duy Tan Aspiration” ceremony took place on the evening of April 29th at the Trung Vuong Theatre in Danang. This event has been a unique way of inspiring students with...

Deputy Minister of Health visits DTU

Deputy Minister of Health visits DTU

On April 24th, a delegation from the Ministry of Health, led by Professor Le Quang Cuong, Deputy Minister of Health, held a meeting at DTU. Attendees included staff from...

DTU Donates Gifts to the Da Nang Orphanage

DTU Donates Gifts to the Da Nang Orphanage

On February 24th, demonstrating its social responsibility to support local orphans and the disabled, DTU donated thirty million vnd and some gifts to the Danang Orphanage...