Tiếng Việt

Duy Tan Dream

The Conference: “The role of Intellectual Property Rights”

The conference titled “The role of Intellectual Property Rights” presented by Dr. Tran Le Hong, Department of Science and Technology on April 20th, 2007 attracted the considerable attention of DTU’s leaders, staff, lecturers and students. Especially, with the participant of Mr. Huynh Minh Nhat, Director of the 3rd Office in Central Vietnam, Mr Huynh Van Ngo, Vice Director of Department of Science and Technology, Ms Tran Thi Mai Lan, member of Danang Architecture University.

At the conference, the participants had a chance to collect detailed information on Intellectual Property Rights such as: Example of Interllectual Property, Why does Intellectual Property need to be protected? What is protected in Intellectual Property Rights? What is Trademark?; What is parent?...

The major components of intellectual property include copyrights, patents, trademarks, geography direction, owner’s rights, etc.

According to Dr. Tran Le Hong: “Protection of Intellectual Property has become very important, especially, in universities. This is because protection of intellectual property helps companies as well as educational institutions to become competitive and stimulates economic growth”.

Dr. Hong also said that Intelletual property rights protect the results of intellectual activities of mankind. It gives the owner of intellectual property exclusive rights pf possession and use of creation or invention. Therefore owner’s rights can be protected. They also help to provide a fair environment for business.

It is possible to say that the speech from Dr. Tran Le Hong was very useful and helpful for DTU’s community. The conference ended, President Le Cong Co sent his sincere thanks to Dr. Tran Le Hong for his presentation and all the visitors.
(Media Center)
Diep Anh