Tiếng Việt

Duy Tan Dream

Conference on education management innovation

A conference on education management innovation was held at Duy Tan university on 24th March 2010 by the Ministry of Education and Training. The conference chaired by Deputy Minister Tran Quang Quy was attended by leaders and representatives from universities in Danang.

The conference aims to deploy the Directive 296/CT-TTg by the Prime Minister and Action Program of the MOET on fostering innovation in higher education management-stage 2010-2012. The participants focused on discussing 3 main issues: How to improve training quality to meet the social requirements?, How to increase quality and effects of scientific research?, and how to administer faculties and students to boost training quality?
Tranforming the yearly training system into credit-based study scheme, modernizing teaching facilities, developing international training programs, and building learning resource centre are the key solutions to enhance quality of tertiary education”, Mr Le Nguyen Bao-Vice Rector of Duy Tan stated at the conference. The university are also building the model of “training connected to experimental research” to upgrade teaching and learning performance.

Education management innovation is a breakthrough step in developing comprehensively higher education in the forthcoming time and other universities and colleges, basing on experience of Duy Tan, formulate the action programs in accordance with the Directive by the Prime Minister ” is the concluding statement by Deputy Minister Tran Quang Quy.

(Board of Website Editors)