Tiếng Việt


DTU Helps in Flood Relief Programs

From 27th to 31st of March 2010, in the spirit of sympathy, affection and encouragement, the DTU Board of Rectors donated 250 million VND to support students at 15 high schools and people in five provinces who were seriously affected by the recent floods. Meanwhile, the DTU Trade Union Committee appealed to all faculty members and students for donations. Two weeks later, DTU had collected more than 2,000 clothes, educational materials and so on.

The DTU Representative with Underprivileged Students from Flooded Areas

After witnessing the flooding damage that teachers and students suffered, the DTU Relief team gave financial awards to many local high schools in many different provinces, including Hue, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Nghe An and Ha Tinh. The total value this aid program was estimated at over 250 million VND.

Compared with the traumatic losses that our compatriots have incurred, these small gifts will just partially help them. However, they also reflected the concern of the DTU staff, lecturers and students. Along with the efforts from the Party, the government and the people across the country, we can ensure that the plight of the central provinces will ease soon.

Mr. Tran van Vi of the Volunteer Club Gives Packages to Students

Meanwhile, the DTU Volunteer Club also launched another program entitled "Gifts for Students in the Flood Areas" for current students. After one month, the club raised more than four million VND and hundreds of boxes of instant noodles. At the same time, the club has used two million VND of funds collected to present 32 presents to students, each worth 150 thousand VND. This practical donation exhibits the strong social conscience of DTU students in helping others needier than themselves to overcome their extreme difficulties.

(Board of Website Editors)