Tiếng Việt


Brightening DTU Student Ambitions in the Field of Scientific Research

On the evening of 5th January, 2011, DTU held a discussion event “Brightening DTU Student Ambitions in the Field of Scientific Research”, to encourage their scientific research and to commemorate the 61st Anniversary of the first Vietnamese Students’ Day on 09/01/1950.

Outstanding students speak to the audience

High-achieving research students spoke about shared their experiences and difficulties and talked about how to overcome obstacles. Dang Xuan Nam, an Architectural student who won the Loa Thanh Prize 2010, said: “To reach our research objectives, we must have a passion for what we are doing and strive to achieve them”. Mr. Nguyen Van Chung, the Manager of the Consulting and Social Assessment Center of the Danang Engineering Science Association said: “Students should be serious-minded in their studying. However, the local government should play a more supportive role to encourage them”.

Mr. Le Trung Chinh, Director of the Danang Education & Training Service said: “It was a big surprise to learn that Dang Xuan Nam had won the prestigious 2010 Loa Thanh Prize. This proved students from DTU students and students from Central Vietnam in general have the same abilities as students from Hanoi or HCM City”.

Many interesting questions on the topic were posed to Dang Xuan Nam, Mai Thi My Tra (3rd prize winner in the Loa Thanh awards) and to Ta Ba Thanh Huy (1st Prize winner in the Informatics Olympiad). Representatives from the various organizations provided lots of information about conducting scientific research and new local government policies to encourage and expand the development of more research.

Mr. Phung Tan Viet awards the certificate to Dang Xuan Nam

Mr. Phung Tan Viet, Deputy Chairman of the Danang People’s Committee awarded a certificate to Dang Xuan Nam. Students with high achievements in the 2010 Loa Thanh Prize and 113 other outstanding students were also awarded prizes totaling 110 million VND. This was a great way of stimulating students to do scientific research, in line with DTU’s direction to combine basic education with scientific research to meet the needs of modern society.

(Board of Website Editors)