Tiếng Việt


DTU Valedictorian Scores High Marks

Hoai Tram scored 26.5 in the 2014 Entrance exam and was so happy that she cried when she was awarded a full scholarship, worth 800 million VND. The scholarship covers tuition fees and accommodation to study from a BA to a PhD degree level and guarantees a lucrative career on graduation. This will offer great encouragement to Hoai Tram, who had already selected DTU as her first choice of university.

Her Ambition is to Travel a Path that Nobody Has Trodden Before

Hoai Tram comes from a poor farming family and attended the Cao Ba Quat High School in Quang Nam. With her strong personality and belief that those who work hard and confidently will succeed, she was determined to prove herself correct.
Th? khoa NV1 Ð?i h?c Duy Tân: 26.5 di?m
Associate Professor Nguyen Ngoc Minh,
awards the scholarship to Hoai Tram

Mr. Nguyen Van Nam, her teacher, said: "Tram is a strong-willed, energetic, and intelligent young woman. She scored 26.5 in the 2014 entrance exams, a dream for any student. She was always one of the best Mathematicians but also excelled in Social Studies. She participated in writing and presentation contests and won several big prizes. She was eager to learn more by studying with foreign lecturers using modern teaching methods, so she chose Duy Tan University to achieve this. The enrollment consulting Duy Tan held just before the entrance exam helps students to make an informed choice in this critical stage of their lives."

Previously, Hoai Tram never had the chance of a university education and could not afford the requisite study materials. However, these problems compelled her to develop her self-study skills, appreciating every book she read and every hour she researched Internet. She is not a traditional or passive student. She proactively discusses new concepts with her classmates, in order to fully explore the characteristics of mathematical problems and complex physical phenomena. Outside the classroom, she also leads practice teaching classes and, for example, shares ideas with her friends on the most effective ways of learning English. In the entrance exam, she scored an almost perfect 9.5 for English. Her philosophy is: “I will travel a new road that nobody else dares to follow, where nobody has been before. Regardless of the difficulties ahead, I want to go there to discover myself and to do some remarkable things in my life.”

She chooses Business Administration in order to become a Top Executive

Hoai Tram’s lofty declaration that “On graduation, I want to become a Business Director!” may seem overly ambitious, but she immediately explains sincerely that “Highly professional and energetic executives are required to manage businesses successfully in a developing marketplace. They are key people on the front-line, creating new job markets, helping to direct our society and to accelerate its growth. In order to become excellent managers, we must study hard and acclimatize to the international environment immediately we enter university. I have chosen to study Business Administration at Duy Tan University, and will strive to even surpass the high expectations of my parents and DTU.”

Th? khoa NV1 Ð?i h?c Duy Tân: 26.5 di?m 2
Freshmen at Duy Tan University

Mrs. Huynh Thi Nguyet, Hoai Tram’s mother, was emotional about daughter’s achievement. She said: "My family was delighted to learn that Tram came first in the DTU entrance examination. The advice of some DTU graduates who now have steady jobs helped her make the decision to choose DTU. I came here today and was warmly welcomed by the DTU Board of Provosts. I’m no longer worried. I believe that by studying at DTU my daughter will have a bright future." In addition to the full DTU scholarship, Hoai Tram was presented with a new computer by the Phi Long Computer Company.

(Media Center)