Tiếng Việt


DTU International School CMU Students Defend their Capstone Projects

On May 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 114 K20 DTU International School CMU students, majoring in Software Engineering, Management Information Systems and Network Security, successfully defended their Capstone projects. The projects were mentored by DTU lecturers and sponsored by local companies. 

 Sinh viên Chuong trình CMU B?o v? Ð? án Capstone 
CMU students prepare their Capstone defenses
Capstone is well-known project planning software that students work with during their final year, and was first implemented at DTU in 2008 for advanced CMU students. Capstone allows a variety of different concepts to be explored before applying them in business case studies and four to six months are spent collecting processing data and completing projects.
Students are measured by the committee on their preparation, their ability to present their theses in fluent English and their confidence in responding to questions.

Two of their innovative projects are entitled “Eventomorrow - an Event Management System” and “A Location-based Advertising System”. 

 Sinh viên Chuong trình CMU B?o v? Ð? án Capstone 
CMU K20 students with the judges 
Dr. Anand Nayyar, Chairperson of the board of judges, said: “Generally speaking, most theses are measured on practical value and originality, such as the Management System of restaurants and events; Roll call Taking by Face Identification; study applications and others. These ideas can then be developed to create functional applications.”  

DTU partners with Carnegie Mellon University, one of the leading IT universities in the US, giving access to the latest information and teaching methods, and, at the end of the course, 18 to 22 internationally-recognized course-completion certificates are awarded by CMU. 

(Media Center)