Tiếng Việt


Attraction of DTU Major in Biotechnology

Biotechnology is developing strongly and finds application in a lot of different fields, leading to a great many minors: Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Microbial Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology, Agricultural Biotechnology, Food Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology, Medical-Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, and Nanobiotechnology. Once students are equipped with the knowledge of their major in Biotechnology, they have therefore many options for minors, depending on the careers they are aiming for.
Highlights of the major in Biotechnology
A feature of biotechnology is its development in parallel with science & technology. A lot of modern machinery and equipment and much of the latest techniques and software allow for the strong development of biotechnology and admit research at many different levels: individuals, tissues, cells, or organelles and macromolecules in living organisms such as humans, animals, plants, or microorganisms.
H?p d?n t? ngành Công ngh? Sinh h?c t?i DTU
Dr Ho Thanh Tam received a Golden Globe Award in biotechnology in 2020
Furthermore, with the remarkable advances in science & technology of recent years, scientist now have modern tools to research entire life systems, such as the proteome, the genome, or the metabolome, to create real-life applications and new products providing humans and other life forms with breakthrough and advanced abilities to adapt to adverse environmental changes while improving our quality of life. One example is the equipment for whole genome sequencing (WGS) which allowed to sequence the complex genomes of many organisms and of a thousand Vietnamese people, announced in 2021 and presided by VINgroup, which is an important element for medicine to make accurate diagnoses at the molecular level for better health care.
Of note is the recent application of gen technology to sequencing the nCoV genome and of the technology for the extraction of resistant compounds and of essential oils in medicinal plants to create nasal sprays, face masks, and antibacterial solutions, making important contributions to research into pathogens and diagnoses, and the development of methods to prevent and cure corona virus infections and to improve people’s health.
Then there are the Human Proteome Project, the project for artificial photosynthesis, and the project to create C4 transgenic rice with high yield, good quality, and adaptability to adverse environments to ensure future food security. And then there are the project of applying bioluminescence to create luminous aquarium fish and the new technology using bioluminescent bacteria for the production of lighting electricity, which are remarkable products of biotechnology in service of human life.
Outstanding Biotechnology lecturers, infrastructure, and curriculums
Students of Biotechnology at DTU have a chance to study with and do research alongside devoted, enthusiastic, and capable lecturers with experience both in their field and in scientific research. Many of the lecturers received advanced training in biotechnology at prestigious universities in Vietnam or in other countries, such as Belgium, the US, Japan, and South Korea.
Besides teaching in their field, the lecturers also preside over or take part in research projects funded by Nafosted, ministries, or provinces. Besides acquiring specialized knowledge, practical skills, and scientific research methods, students therefore furthermore learn from their lecturers’ overseas experience and are introduced to scholarships, training institutions, laboratories, and supervisors whenever they need overseas opportunities or domestic or foreign scholarships.
H?p d?n t? ngành Công ngh? Sinh h?c t?i DTU
Modern infrastructure for optimal studying and practice for students
The Biotechnology training program was designed harmoniously and balanced with natural science subjects, general foundational knowledge, foundational knowledge in biotechnology, knowledge for the minor, practice, training by observation, and a graduation project. The project furthermore pays special attention to specialized English, physical training, critical thinking, soft skills, and giving the students opportunities to participate in scientific research, academic events, specialized seminars, and young entrepreneurship programs.
The objectives of the program are not limited to the training of high-quality Bachelors in Biotechnology with sold specialized knowledge, good practical skills, good level of English, and ability to do scientific research; it also integrates practice and guidance into the courses, to help students develop creative ideas and soft skills: communication, presentations, teamwork, and efficient problem-solving.
Besides the university’s modern and remarkable infrastructure, students of Biotechnology work with other modern infrastructure, equipment, and machinery: large centrifuge, PCR machine, AB 3500 genetic analyzer, MaxQ 8000 shaker, and DNA and protein electrophoresis systems, located in the laboratories for medicine & pharmacy and those belonging to the Centers for Molecular Biology and for Advanced Chemistry, to work on different research avenues in biotechnology.
Extensive job opportunities
The highlight of job opportunities for DTU graduates in Biotechnology is not only that Bachelors in Biotechnology can work for centers, agencies, enterprises, businesses, schools, and research institutions in microbiology, industry, agriculture, food, environment, medicine, and nanobiology, but skilled and outstanding students can continue their studies domestically or abroad with one of several scholarships.
Besides the existence of scholarships from the governments of the UK, Australia, Hungary, Belgium, Austria, Japan, South Korea, etc. for Vietnamese students, DTU graduates in Biotechnology can obtain scholarships from VINgroup corporation for Master or PhD studies in Vietnam or abroad through DTU’s official collaboration with Vingroup.
Each year, VINgroup awards a hundred scholarships for overseas training and a hundred for training in Vietnam worth 120 million VND per year for Masters and 150 million VND per year for PhDs in Vietnam.
DTU furthermore offers a 30% tuition fee discount for the full course to successful applicants to Biotechnology in the 2022 enrollment season. With these wonderful conditions, students can pursue Biotechnology with peace of mind to work on their future careers.
(Media Center)