Tiếng Việt


"Electric Vehicle Technology Training" Workshop

On May 7th, the DTU School of Engineering and Technology (SET), Nexgen Solution Co., Ltd. and LD Didactic Group, jointly held a workshop entitled "Electric Vehicle Technology Training". The workshop aimed to deepen students' understanding of electric vehicles and related technologies, while providing practical knowledge and experiences through the introduction and operation of training equipment from LD Didactic.
The attendees 
Attendees included Mr. Dinh Ngoc Bao Toan, Business Manager at Nexgen Solution Co., Ltd; Mr. Guido Weimer,  Director of Automotive Technology at LD Didactic Group; Associate Prof. Ha Dac Binh, Rector of the DTU School of Engineering and Technology, faculty members and students of the School.
Mr. Tran Nhu Trung, a lecturer at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty, provided an overview of the trends, policies, and markets for electric vehicles in the world and Vietnam. According to Mr. Nhu Trung, electric/hybrid vehicles are products that combine gasoline engines with electric motors. Hybrid types, including HEVs, PHEVs, BEVs, and FCs, offer benefits such as fuel efficiency, environmental protection, and robust performance. Electric vehicles are rapidly expanding worldwide, with global electric car sales increasing significantly in 2021 to nearly 7 million vehicles. In Vietnam, 2021 marked the beginning of the development and expansion of the electric vehicle market.
Mr. Guido Weimer 
Mr. Bui Ngoc Trieu presented critical information about electrical safety when working with electric vehicles and basic maintenance services for these vehicles. Mr. Ngoc Trieu emphasized the high electrical risks in the electric vehicle industry and the importance of adhering to safe working procedures. Additionally, he shared basic inspection and maintenance processes for electric vehicles.
Mr. Guido Weimer personally instructs the SET faculty and students to experience several electric vehicle models
A highlight of the workshop was the presentation by Mr. Guido Weimer from LD Didactic. He provided an overview of the training in the electric vehicle sector and introduced various electric vehicle training equipment. Under his guidance, the SET faculty and students had the opportunity to experience some of the equipment and models for electric vehicle training. 
Nguyen Manh Cuong, a K26 student specializing in Automotive Engineering Technology, said: "Today's workshop was really beneficial. It expanded my knowledge and provided an opportunity to interact and learn from experts in the field of electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are indeed one of the very useful solutions that contribute to environmental protection, reduce the depletion of natural resources, and utilize eco-friendly resources such as solar and wind energy. Therefore, I believe that electric vehicles will develop not only in Vietnam but also globally in the future.”
(Media Center)