Tiếng Việt


Five DTU Student Ambassadors Showcase Talent in Their First Journey to Singapore

The Final Round of the DTU’s Student Ambassador 2024 competition once again recognized 5 outstanding representatives with confident English presentations and speeches that completely impressed the Judges. Upon officially becoming DTU Student Ambassadors, 5 students including Le Khac Anna, Ho Thanh Phong, Nguyen Hong Nhung, Phan Hoang Long, and Nguyen Thi Kim Phi received full scholarships to Singapore to participate in the 2024/2025 Specialists’ Community Action and Leadership Exchange (SCALE X) program worth 20 million Vietnamese dong per person.
5 Ð?i s? Sinh viên Duy Tân Tài nang  cùng Hành trình Ð?u tiên t?i Singapore
The excellence in training and scientific research at DTU has become an inspiration for the students to expand and share with numerous friends both domestically and internationally. The DTU Student Ambassador 2024 competition has become a platform for the students to realize their dreams. After 2 challenging Qualifying Rounds with hundreds of equally skilled contestants, the Final Round with the participation of the top 10 outstanding contestants took place to honor the 5 talented student ambassadors of DTU in 2024.
Confidently presenting entirely in English, the 5 DTU Student Ambassadors demonstrated superiority in their broad social knowledge on topics set by the Judges such as: general understanding of humanity, ASEAN leadership culture, the power of youth, information technology, climate change, and other global issues.
Le Khac Anna: Fluent in 5 languages - English, Korean, Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese - and skilled in singing and playing musical instruments 
5 Ð?i s? Sinh viên Duy Tân Tài nang  cùng Hành trình Ð?u tiên t?i Singapore
Cute, confident in communicating in 5 languages, and talented in singing and playing musical instruments, Le Khac Anna is fully deserving of the title of DTU Student Ambassador in 2024. Le Khac Anna chose DTU to study and strive for her dream of wearing a white coat in the field of General Medicine. Anna's achievements in expertise and talents show that she is truly an energetic Gen Z and always diligently seeks every opportunity to learn. Some of her awards include:
Miss Beauty of Da Nang 2023,
Top 5 Talent of Miss World Vietnam 2023,
The first representative of Da Nang to perform on the 78th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence at the Vietnamese Embassy in Brunei Darussalam,
First Prize in Solo Singing Competition in French-speaking Festival of Da Nang City 2023,
Third Prize in Youth Talent Competition organized by Da Nang City Youth Union,
Encouragement Prize in IPQ (Indochine Physiology Quiz 2023) - International Physiology in Vietnam in 2023,
Encouragement Prize in Singing Festival in Chinese Language of Central Highlands Region - First Time,
Top 10 in Student Ballad Journey Competition 2023,
Anna believes that her diligence along with the quality of education at DTU, one of the prestigious universities in Vietnam, ranked among the top in the world by Times Higher Education and QS Rankings, will pave the way for her to overcome all challenges and succeed in the future.
Ho Thanh Phong - Proudly introducing the dynamic image of DTU students
5 Ð?i s? Sinh viên Duy Tân Tài nang  cùng Hành trình Ð?u tiên t?i Singapore
As a friendly, humorous guy with good English speaking skills, Ho Thanh Phong, majoring in Business Administration, will surely become a friendly and enthusiastic ambassador in upcoming activities. With a pleasant appearance and charismatic aura, Thanh Phong has also achieved many impressive accomplishments such as:
First Prize in DTU Students with ERPsim Game 2023
Second Prize in Business Idea DTU Season 2
Third Prize in Community Economic Project Competition 2023
Third Prize in Da Nang City Olympic English Competition 2022
"Excellence Award" of the challenge "7 days speaking English with Skills Club DTU"
Top 5 in the Vietnam ERPsim Student Competition 2023 nationwide
Proud to become the DTU Student Ambassador 2024, Ho Thanh Phong shares the hope of experiencing and studying in Singapore, while promoting the dynamic, enthusiastic, and talented image of DTU students to friends from other countries.
Nguyen Hong Nhung - Wants to study well to help many difficult circumstances
5 Ð?i s? Sinh viên Duy Tân Tài nang  cùng Hành trình Ð?u tiên t?i Singapore
Originally a Literature major at Le Quy Don Specialized High School (Da Nang City), Hong Nhung discovered her love for Chemistry and quickly switched to the Science track in her 12th grade. Although she chose her major relatively late, Hong Nhung has the courage and determination to study and prepare as best as she can to become a proficient Pharmacist in the future. Admiring the rich poetic prose and optimistic spirit of the respected doctor Dang Thuy Tram, Hong Nhung, a student, wants to study well to help many difficult circumstances.
For Hong Nhung, the DTU Student Ambassador 2024 competition is a meaningful and beneficial activity as it provides her and other contestants with the opportunity to showcase themselves and be more confident in communicating in English. Furthermore, participating in the competition helps her gain more experiences, lessons, as well as develop "soft" skills and make friends with many talented DTU students.
Phan Hoang Long - Rising in all circumstances to conquer the peak of knowledge
5 Ð?i s? Sinh viên Duy Tân Tài nang  cùng Hành trình Ð?u tiên t?i Singapore
Coming from a family where both parents are farmers and fishermen, Phan Hoang Long is always aware of the importance of his own education to have a good job and support his family in the future. Although his family cannot afford to provide him with the best educational conditions, this lack is a major motivation for him to always strive to rise above all circumstances and diligently self-study English.
Phan Hoang Long, a Software Engineering student at CMU standard, becoming the DTU Student Ambassador 2024 is not only a pride for his small family but also a joy for the entire village where he lives. Through the "share" button on Facebook of friends, teachers, and people in the neighborhood, Phan Hoang Long suddenly became "famous" in the small community of those who love and admire him and spread inspiration about dynamism to DTU students as well as young people eager to conquer the peaks of knowledge.
Nguyen Thi Kim Phi - Actively supports global student exchange activities
5 Ð?i s? Sinh viên Duy Tân Tài nang  cùng Hành trình Ð?u tiên t?i Singapore
As an outgoing person who loves foreign languages and desires to explore different cultures, Kim Phi immediately registered to participate in the DTU Student Ambassador 2024 competition to challenge herself, as well as exchange, learn from friends, and have more opportunities to participate in international exchange programs organized by DTU.
Kim Phi is confident that as a DTU Student Ambassador, she will actively participate in supporting the organization of exchange programs between students of various countries in the P2A community, while promoting the image of DTU and the Vietnamese people to international friends in exchange programs in Singapore and many other countries.
(Media Center)