Tiếng Việt


Talk Show “AI Film - New Era in Multimedia Technology

On May 7, the talk show “AI Film - New Era in Multimedia Technology” was held at 3 Quang Trung Campus. The event was attended by DTU School of Engineering & Technology Vice - Rector Dr. Pham Phu Anh Huy; Film director Pham Vinh Khuong from Ho Chi Minh City, and a great many DTU lecturers and students.
Talkshow “Phim Al - K? nguyên m?i trong công ngh? Truy?n thông Ða phuong ti?n” t?i Ð?i h?c Duy Tân
Director Pham Vinh Khuong 
Known by the nickname “the boss smartphone filmmaking” since the graphic and 3D effect movies he made on his phone met with great success, Pham Vinh Khuong is enjoying a lot of attention for having directed the first AI movie in the world. His film projects are becoming a constant source of creative inspiration for many young filmmakers sharing his passion for filmmaking on a smartphone.
Pham Vinh Khuong recently managed to obtain AI footage using his own smartphone. His film projects are becoming a source of creative inspiration for many young filmmakers sharing his passion for filmmaking on a smartphone.
Talkshow “Phim Al - K? nguyên m?i trong công ngh? Truy?n thông Ða phuong ti?n” t?i Ð?i h?c Duy Tân
Director Pham Vinh Khuong told the DTU students how to maintain focus and
he spoke on the body language to flexibly handle filming equipment
At the talk show, Pham Vinh Khuong spoke on the skills necessary for smartphone filmmaking and on ways to overcome the difficulties and limitations of using phones for filmmaking.
According to the young director’s personal experience, knowledge of releasing body constraints and body language can minimize camera shake while moving. Filmmakers should also utilize natural and artificial lighting to give depth to their shots. Facing limitations in smartphone filmmaking, he independently researched specific filming techniques and applied techniques like handheld one-shot and dolly zoom on his smartphone.
Talkshow “Phim Al - K? nguyên m?i trong công ngh? Truy?n thông Ða phuong ti?n” t?i Ð?i h?c Duy Tân
Director Pham Vinh Khuong with DTU lecturers and students
He furthermore shared his experience on unique filming techniques, how to maintain focus, how to release the body, and the body language to flexibly handle filming equipment with the DTU students.
“A noticeable disadvantage of filming with a smartphone is the danger of camera shake,” Pham Vinh Khuong explained. “I therefore apply my knowledge of releasing the body and of body language into my filming. The body itself becomes a gimbal: your hands hold the camera and your legs move so as to minimize shake during motion. In addition, the image quality with a smartphone won’t match that of professional equipment, but if post-processing is handled well, you can still produce footage of near-professional quality.”
The talk show provided the DTU students with a fresh and exciting look at the use of smartphones and artificial intelligence in filming and production. The convenience and utility of smartphone filmmaking will surely be of interest to young people and especially to DTU students, who may now experiment with it for their studies and other activities.
(Media Center)