Tiếng Việt


DTU Students Defend their Graduation Thesis "Communication Project Design"

After 4 years of dedication and effort on the university campus, students of the 26th Multimedia Communication class at the DTU Faculty of Foreign Languages and Social Sciences had a successful Graduation Thesis defense with the topic "Communication Project Design". This was not only an opportunity for students to showcase their creativity, perseverance, and efforts but also a chance for them to absorb feedback from experts in the field of communication and advertising to prepare for their professional careers.
Representatives from the 11GO Agency confidently presented the project "Communication Project Design for the Cocoon brand"
The Graduation Thesis Defense "Communication Project Design" saw the participation of a Jury Board consisting of top experts in the field of communication and advertising, including: Ms. MC Le Chi - CEO of Rong Tien Sa Media, Member of the Executive Board of the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Da Nang, Head of the Organizing Committee of Miss Tourism Da Nang 2022, WLin Central Vietnam Ambassador, Mr. Nguyen Quoc Khanh - Creative Director of Horus Agency, Mr. Nguyen Minh Nhut (Henry Nguyen) - Director of Henry Nguyen Company, and Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Hanh My - the lecturer in charge of the Graduation Thesis. The presence of these experts brought diversity and quality to the evaluation process of students' projects.
The Multimedia Communication class of the 26th batch was divided into 5 groups to carry out 5 different communication projects. After 40 days of challenges and difficulties, the student groups completed their projects to present them to the jury board. Each group had 20 minutes to present their proposal along with a feasible demo of their project.
The NBO Creative team won the first prize with the project
"Communication Project Design for the Huda beer brand combined with Xanh SM"
The Power Media team with the project "Communication Project Design for the Lifebuoy brand";
The NNC Agency team with the project "Communication Project Design for the DH Foods brand";
The 11GO Agency team with the project "Communication Project Design for the Cocoon brand";
The ELEVEN Agency team with the project "Communication Project Design for the Viet Tien brand"; and
The NBO Creative team with the project "Communication Project Design for the Huda beer brand combined with Xanh SM".
The Graduation Thesis Defense marked the end of the beautiful years of
DTU students of the Multimedia Communication class of the 26th batch
The presented communication projects left a strong impression, demonstrating the creativity and professionalism of the students. All projects received high praise from the Jury Board for their creativity, impressive communication clips and scripts, meeting the needs and tastes of customers, along with persuasive presentation skills and confident demeanor of the students. Each communication project by the Multimedia Communication class of the 26th batch was truly impressive and outstanding, showcasing equal talent and effort. Therefore, the Jury Board had to carefully weigh many factors to select the best project. And, the Jury Board awarded:
First prize to the NBO Creative team;
Second prizes to The Power Media team and the ELEVEN Agency team;
Third prizes to the NNC Agency team and the 11GO Agency team.
Additionally, the Jury Board also awarded the Best Short Clip prize to the "Communication Project Design for the DH Foods brand" project. Furthermore, within the framework of the Graduation Thesis Defense, Ms. Le Chi - CEO of Rong Tien Sa Media - offered direct recruitment interviews for students who wished to work at Rong Tien Sa Media. This somewhat affirmed that the human resources trained by DTU are truly of high quality and are potential candidates that businesses need.
Representing the first prize-winning team, NBO Creative, Nguyen Thanh Minh Chau shared: "Based on observing my loved ones like my father, uncles, who often go out for beer or wine due to work or social relationships. Each time, my wife and children at home are quite worried, not knowing if their loved ones will return home safely. So, our team came up with the idea and chose the topic of Communication Project Design for the Huda beer brand combined with Xanh SM. Throughout the 40 days of project implementation, our team encountered many obstacles and challenges. However, with the extremely rigorous scrutiny and feedback from Ms. Hanh My, our team knew how to proceed in the right direction. Luckily, all members of our team always united, listened, and provided feedback to each other little by little to make the project as perfect as possible.
To carry out the project, our team effectively applied the knowledge and skills from many subjects such as Basic Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Public Relations,... Each subject in the 4-year journey was a precious asset for our team to have a solid knowledge and skill foundation, and to draw many lessons and experiences to perfect and present the project well in today's defense session. The Graduation Thesis Defense also marked the end of our 4-year journey of conquering knowledge at DTU. The first prize is a deserving reward for our efforts over the past 4 years and is also a motivation for us to achieve more successes in the upcoming journeys. We want to express our sincerest thanks to the dedicated teachers who taught and accompanied us throughout this memorable 4-year university journey. In addition, we are very grateful to DTU for providing us with such a wonderful learning environment where we can fully unleash our potential."
(Media Center)