Tiếng Việt


International Nurses Day Celebration at DTU

On May 12th, the DTU Faculty of Nursing held an International Nurses Day celebration with many meaningful activities at the K7/25 Quang Trung campus in Danang. The event was aimed at expressing gratitude to nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale and also marked DTU’s 30th anniversary.

L? K? ni?m Ngày Qu?c t? Ði?u du?ng t?i Ð?i h?c Duy Tân
The event was aimed at expressing gratitude to a pioneer of nursing
Attending the program were DTU School of Medicine & Pharmacy Vice - Provost MD Ngo Thi Kim Yen, DTU School of Medicine & Pharmacy Faculty of Nursing Vice Dean MSc Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh, and numerous staff, lecturers, and students in Nursing.
“One sees that the history of nursing in Vietnam has been intertwined with the history of our nation throughout the resistance wars against France and the US, and even during the country’s period of reforms,” DTU School of Medicine & Pharmacy Vice Provost MD Ngo Thi Kim Yen said. “We can be proud of the enormous contributions of generation after generation of nurses who tirelessly took care of the health of the people. The presence of these white-blouse angels on all fronts with their professional calling has become a symbol of sacrifice, compassion, and community sharing. These white-blouse angels have always supported one another through all hardships to get to the admirable successes they have today. The professionalism and development of nursing are thanks to having inherited and implemented the fine values of previous generations of nurses, which subsequent generations learn from and follow.”
Khoa Ði?u du?ng c?a Ð?i h?c Duy Tân ph?i h?p v?i Ðoàn khoa t? ch?c cu?c thi “Sinh viên Ði?u du?ng Ð?i h?c Duy Tân”
The DTU Faculty of Nursing worked with the Faculty Union to organize the DTU Nursing Student competition with meaningful contest parts
The occasion also allowed the faculty and students at the DTU Faculty of Nursing to look back on the history of nursing worldwide and in Vietnam. The story of Florence Nightingale, nicknamed the “Lady with the Lamp”, and images of past generations of nurses deeply moved the attendees with its portrayal of compassion and dedication to caring for underprivileged patients.
To celebrate International Nurses Day, the DTU Faculty of Nursing worked with the Faculty Union to organize the DTU Nursing Student competition. Contesting students went through two parts: a Knowledge Test and a Talent Test:
? The Knowledge Test consisted of fifteen questions, including five in English. After each question, the teams waved flags to get the right to answer following the host’s signal.
? In the Talent Test, the teams performed arts, music, dance, comedy, painting, giving praise to the homeland, honoring the medical profession in general and nursing in particular, or celebrating memories of school days, lecturers, and classes.
L? K? ni?m Ngày Qu?c t? Ði?u du?ng t?i Ð?i h?c Duy Tân
DTU lecturers and students of Nursing at the ceremony
The DTU Nursing Student competition was not only meant as a platform where students could showcase their talents and enthusiasm, but it also provided an opportunity for Nursing students to consolidate their professional knowledge.
At the end of the event, the DTU lecturers and students of Nursing performed a candle-lighting ritual to pay tribute to Florence Nightingale, the pioneer of modern nursing. The sacred ceremony served as a reminder and a guiding principle for Nursing students to follow throughout their studies and future careers.
(Media Center)