Tiếng Việt


DTU Students of Dentistry Win Second prize at the E-Poster Student Forum 2024

As part of the 2024 Dental Conference, the Student E-Poster Forum is a highly anticipated event with many scientific research projects submitted for competition, aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of students in the field. At the Student E-Poster Forum, DTU students won one second prize and one consolation prize in the Community category.
The 2024 Dental Conference (HAIDEC 2024) is the largest annual event for the dental field in the northern region, jointly held by the Vietnam Dental Association in collaboration with the National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology, Hanoi, at the National Convention Center, Hanoi, from May 22 to 25, 2024.
Sinh viên ngành Bác si Rang-Hàm-M?t DTU giành gi?i Nhì t?i Di?n dàn Sinh viên E-Poster 2024
DTU students win a Second and a consolation prize at the E-Poster Student Forum 2024
The 2024 Student E-Poster Forum marked the first year the forum was conducted in an E-Poster format (instead of traditional PowerPoint presentations). This format encourages dental students to further develop their IT application skills in presenting research results, as well as their communication skill and feedback abilities with experts on the judging panels.
30 reports from dental students across various universities nationwide were presented at the Student E-Poster Forum. DTU had two student research reports presented in the Community category and won one second and one consolation prize. The DTU students’ research papers not only demonstrated scientific rigor but also had high practical relevance in improving oral health care for the community. Specifically:
* Second prize: with the topic "Assessment of Dental Caries, Periodontal Disease, and Related Factors in Disabled children in Hue City" by Le Duc Anh Tai and Nguyen Hoang Minh Tam. This study aimed to evaluate the oral health status and related factors in disabled children - a group often "overlooked" in oral health care. The topic was highly appreciated by the judging panel for its scientific value and urgency. The results of the research will be an important basis for developing appropriate intervention strategies to improve oral health for this special group of children.
* Consolation prize: with the topic "Barriers to Access and Proposals for Applying Connection Platforms in Oral Health Care for Da Nang Residents " by Khuong Phung Van Anh and Pham Anh Duc. This study aimed to identify barriers that lead to difficulties in accessing oral health care services for Da Nang residents and proposed the application of connection platforms in dental services. The paper was considered very practical by the judging panel for its application of technological advancements in contemporary dentistry.
As one of the two members of the team winning the second prize, Le Duc Anh Tai, a fourth-year student in the Dental program, shared: “When participating in the Forum in 2023, my partner Nguyen Hoang Minh Tam and I also received a consolation prize with the paper: ‘Study on the Prevalence of Dental Caries and Related Factors among DTU first-year students in 2023.’ The presentation method last year was using PowerPoint slides on a projector, but this year it switched to poster presentations. I found it much more convenient because we could compile the data more easily on a single poster.
Not only did I have the opportunity to present my scientific research results, but the Forum also provided me with a chance to interact, exchange knowledge, and learn from fellow dental students across the country. Especially at the E-Poster Student Forum in particular and HAIDEC 2024 in general, we had the opportunity to listen to reports covering various fields such as Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Implants, Periodontology, and Restorative Dentistry. These reports were highly updated with contemporary dental knowledge both domestically and internationally, which helped us to update our knowledge and better define our career paths for the future.”
At the Forum, the Organizing Committee awarded prizes to students from universities in the Central region, including:
- DTU: 1 Second and 1 Consolation Prize,
- School of Medicine and Pharmacy - the University of Danang: 2 Consolation Prizes,
- Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University: 1 Consolation Prize.
The four DTU students from the two winning teams have a strong passion for scientific research, particularly research aimed at serving the community:
Sinh viên ngành Bác si Rang-Hàm-M?t DTU giành gi?i Nhì t?i Di?n dàn Sinh viên E-Poster 2024
Coming from Quang Binh, Le Duc Anh Tai dreams of becoming a dedicated dentist while maintaining a deep passion for scientific research. Anh Tai believes that valuable achievements stem from scientific research, and researchers must have a love for the field.
Sinh viên ngành Bác si Rang-Hàm-M?t DTU giành gi?i Nhì t?i Di?n dàn Sinh viên E-Poster 2024
Sharing the same dreams and passion as Anh Tai, Nguyen Hoang Minh Tam views scientific research as not just an experience but an essential part of his academic journey to becoming a doctor. Minh Tam feels extremely fortunate to have been guided and supported by dedicated teachers, allowing him to engage in scientific research early on and quickly realize his passion.
Sinh viên ngành Bác si Rang-Hàm-M?t DTU giành gi?i Nhì t?i Di?n dàn Sinh viên E-Poster 2024
Studying Dentistry at DTU has helped Khuong Phung Van Anh realize the immense value and significance of dental care for patients. Therefore, Van Anh always sets goals and reminds herself never to stop striving to make her dream of becoming a skilled dentist a reality, aiming to contribute to dental care for the community. The award she received today is an incredibly meaningful gift for her efforts and a stepping stone toward achieving even greater success in the future.
Sinh viên ngành Bác si Rang-Hàm-M?t DTU giành gi?i Nhì t?i Di?n dàn Sinh viên E-Poster 2024
As for Pham Anh Duc, he nurtures the dream of becoming a KOL (Key Opinion Leader) in the field of Dentistry. Anh Duc believes that “Success doesn’t come from what you have, but from what you do”; thus, Anh Duc always dedicates himself fully to his studies to build a solid foundation of both knowledge and skills, serving as a springboard towards realizing his dream. 
For further information about enrolment, see: http://tuyensinh.duytan.edu.vn
(Media Center)