Tiếng Việt


Workshop “MagnetCV - The Toolkit for Employers to Find You”

In today’s highly competitive job market, creating and perfecting an impressive resume is more important than ever for students to initially conquer and attract recruiters’ attention and increase their career opportunities. Wishing to equip students with useful resume creation skills, the DTU School of Languages, Humanities, & Social Sciences in collaboration with IRIS English successfully organized the workshop “MagnetCV - The Toolkit for Employers to Find You” on June 16, 2024.
Workshop “MagnetCV - B? công c? d? nhà tuy?n d?ng tìm ki?m b?n”
The workshop “MagnetCV - The Toolkit for Employers to Find You” attracted a large number of students
The workshop was attended by Blackmoon Fund Director Mr Truong Hoang Ky; communications expert, blogger, and Blackmoon Media founder Nguyen Ngoc Long; Metric data science JSC Strategy & IT Director Mr Khanh Lifetech; AI marketing expert Mr Vuong Binh Nguyen; IRIS English CEO Ms Doan Thi Nga; School of Languages, Humanities, & Social Sciences standing Vice Provost Dr Hoang Thi Huong; and many lecturers and students.
Workshop “MagnetCV - B? công c? d? nhà tuy?n d?ng tìm ki?m b?n”
School of Languages, Humanities, & Social Sciences standing Vice Provost Dr Hoang Thi Huong speaking at the workshop
“The topic of the workshop today is very interesting and quite novel,” Dr Hoang Thi Huong, standing Vice Provost of the School of Languages, Humanities, & Social Sciences, said at the workshop. “Not only the students but even the lecturers here are eager to learn more about using artificial intelligence to create an impressive resume that will allow students to conquer and attract recruiters. This is the second time the speakers are at DTU, and I hope there’ll be many more instructive talk shows for students.”
Blackmoon Fund Director Mr Truong Hoang said, “I vividly remember the energetic and enthusiastic learning spirit of DTU students when Blackmoon Fund supported them last year. I hope that today you’ll show the same spirit and gain a lot of useful knowledge from the speakers.”
Workshop “MagnetCV - B? công c? d? nhà tuy?n d?ng tìm ki?m b?n”
The workshop provided students with additional skills to create a more impressive resume
At the workshop, students learned a lot about personal branding from blogger Nguyen Ngoc Long, a communications expert and founder of Blackmoon Media. They also learned about using AI to find suitable jobs, create impressive resumes, and generate any content, images, or slides they desire. The students also had a lively Q&A session with the speakers, who answered their questions and addressed the difficulties they faced when using AI and building their personal brands.
“I felt that the speakers today have very deep and broad knowledge about the topic and their engaging style kept me interested and made it easy for me to understand,” Huynh Bao Cat Linh, a K29 student of Multimedia Communications, said. “Through the workshop, I came to understand a lot about personal branding and using AI to create a resume that’ll attract recruiters. This is currently very helpful in my major and will continue to be so in my future job search.”
In a short time, the workshop provided much knowledge that will support students developing their knowledge and skills in their studies and their job search efforts later on.
(Media Center)