Tiếng Việt


Four Vietnamese Scientists Named in the Best Rising Stars of Science in the World 2024 Ranking

Dr. Tran Nguyen Hai, Dr. Thai Hoang Chien, Dr. Hoang Nhat Duc, and Dr. Phung Van Phuc have been awarded the "Best Rising Star" badge for 2024 by Research.com.


Research.com has just announced the results of its ranking of scientists with outstanding achievements. Accordingly, Vietnam has six scientists recognized, including four from within the country and two foreign scientists teaching at Vietnamese universities. 


Compared to 2023, the number of Vietnamese scientists on the list has decreased by one, and none made it into the Top 10. Prof. Dr. Tran Xuan Bach from Hanoi Medical University, who ranked 2nd globally in 2023, is not included in the 2024 list.


Thêm nhà khoa h?c c?a ÐH Duy Tân trong top Vi?t Nam ? ngành môi tru?ng

Scientists working in Vietnam are featured on the list. Screenshot attached

Among the four Vietnamese scientists, Dr. Tran Nguyen Hai, Deputy Director of the DTU Institute for Research and Development in Basic & Applied Sciences (IFAS), is ranked 553rd. This is his second year appearing on the list.


Dr. Hai has a lot of scientific papers published in reputable international journals with high citation indexes. Over 70% of his Q1-ranked papers in the field of Environmental Science, according to the Web of Science (WoS), and his work has been cited over 8,500 times (according to Google Scholar). He was one of the 10 young talents awarded the Golden Globe in Science and Technology in 2019. Currently, he serves on the editorial board of 12 ISI-indexed international journals and is a reviewer for more than 100 prestigious international journals.


Thêm nhà khoa h?c c?a ÐH Duy Tân trong top Vi?t Nam ? ngành môi tru?ng

Dr. Tran Nguyen Hai, a member of the editorial board for 12 ISI-indexed international journals, first appeared on Research.com's "Best Rising Star" list in 2023. Photo: Hai Tran.


The second scientist is Dr. Thai Hoang Chien from Ton Duc Thang University, ranked 771st. He is a member of the Division of Computational Mechanics (DCM), one of the first research groups at Ton Duc Thang University.

Dr. Chien has published around 100 research papers, many of which are featured in ISI-indexed journals. In 2023, he was one of five Vietnamese scientists awarded the "Best Rising Star" badge.


Thêm nhà khoa h?c c?a ÐH Duy Tân trong top Vi?t Nam ? ngành môi tru?ng

Dr. Thai Hoang Chien. Photo: Ton Duc Thang University


The third scientist is Dr. Phung Van Phuc from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, ranked 859th. He is among the top 1% of scientists worldwide in the fields of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace.

Dr. Phuc has been listed among the Top 100,000 most influential scientists worldwide by Research.com for five consecutive years. Additionally, he has been awarded the "Best Rising Star" badge for three consecutive years (2022, 2023, 2024). He has published over 60 scientific papers in ISI-indexed international journals, focusing on research in Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace.


Thêm nhà khoa h?c c?a ÐH Duy Tân trong top Vi?t Nam ? ngành môi tru?ng

Dr. Phung Van Phuc. Photo: Hutech

The fourth is a young scientist at the DTU Institute for Research and Development (IRD) Dr. Hoang Nhat Duc, ranked 776th. Dr. Duc has published over 120 papers in both domestic and international journals, many of which are ISI-indexed. He has been listed among the top 10,000 scientists globally in 2021 and 2022. His primary research focuses on the application and development of machine learning models and computer vision in civil engineering and disaster warning systems.


Thêm nhà khoa h?c c?a ÐH Duy Tân trong top Vi?t Nam ? ngành môi tru?ng

Dr. Hoang Nhat Duc. Photo: DTU

This is the third year that the "Best Rising Stars of Science in the World" ranking has been announced. For this year’s ranking, Research.com evaluated data from 166,880 scientists who are among the world's leading in publication productivity and citation impact, using data from Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Graph.

China has the most scientists on the list (358, a slight increase from 2023), followed by the United States (153, a decrease from 2023). The numbers for other countries are as follows: Iran - 48, the United Kingdom - 43, Australia - 46, Germany - 27, Singapore - 18, and South Korea - 17. The top-ranked scientist is Mohsen Sheikholeslami from Iran.


The criteria for evaluating a scientist for inclusion in the global ranking are based on the General H-index (an index that assesses scientific papers and citation impact across all disciplines), the contribution ratio in a specific field, as well as their awards and achievements. Only top 1000 scientists with the highest H-index are featured in the ranking.


The ranking lists the leading scientists in major research fields, but only considers those whose oldest publication is from 12 or less years ago were considered. Research.com notes that the ranking position is not an absolute measure of a scientist's contributions.


(Media Center)