Tiếng Việt

Tags: Đại học

November 1,2019

DTU Robotics Group Creates Smart Service Robot

DTU Robotics Group Creates Smart Service Robot

November 2,2019

Automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence are now evolving rapidly in Vietnam and robotics have the potential to replace workers in many professions, including education, hospitals, hotels, airports, supermarkets and so on. The University of Nevada, in Las Vegas USA, has much experience in robotic manufacturing technology...

November 4,2019

Ten Vietnamese teams enter the finals of the 2019 ASEAN Student Information Security Contest

Ten Vietnamese teams enter the finals of the 2019 ASEAN Student Information Security Contest

November 4,2019

Ten teams from Vietnam and other ASEAN countries will enter the finals of the 2019 ASEAN Student Information Security contest on November 29. At the 2019 North ASEAN Students Information Security contest on November 3, Ms. Tran Thi Kim Phuong, Head of the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA) and the contest jury, announced the ten finalists...

Seven teams in Central region Participate in 2019 ASEAN Information Security Contest

Seven teams in Central region Participate in 2019 ASEAN Information Security Contest

November 3,2019

On November 3rd, the regional qualifying round of the 2019 ASEAN Information Security Contest took place at DTU with the participation of seven teams from the Danang University of Technology (1 team), Duy Tan University (3), Quang Binh University (1) and the Telecommunications University in Nha Trang (2 teams)...

Two DTU Teams in the 2019 ASEAN Information Security Contest

Two DTU Teams in the 2019 ASEAN Information Security Contest

November 5,2019

On November 3, the qualifying round of the 2019 ASEAN Information Security Contest took place at three different locations, in Hanoi, at the Academy of Cryptography Techniques, in Danang, at DTU and in Ho Chi Minh city, at Saigon International University. The contest is sponsored jointly by the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA)...

DTU Advances to Finals of 2019 ASEAN Information Security Contest

DTU Advances to Finals of 2019 ASEAN Information Security Contest

November 8,2019

The DTU teams excelled by winning first, second and third prizes in the Central Vietnam qualifying round of the 2019 ASEAN Student Information Security contest. After eight hours of intensive competition, the ISITDTU and ISITDTU2 teams both advanced to the finals in Hanoi on November 29...

An Exchange with Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore

An Exchange with Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore

November 8,2019

On November 6, DTU held a cultural exchange with students from Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore, to broaden cooperation and exchanges between the two universities and give DTU students a chance to perfect their English and learn more about another ASEAN country...

November 11,2019

DTU Collaborates with Dong-A University in Korea for Hospitality Master’s Degree

DTU Collaborates with Dong-A University in Korea for Hospitality Master’s Degree

November 11,2019

The program will be taught at DTU entirely in English, for four semesters, with 26 credits. Lecturers from both universities will teach, and supervise the graduation theses to prepare highly-qualified professionals for local Hospitality businesses or as new university lecturers in Central Vietnam...