Tiếng Việt

Tags: Khoa học

DTU Students met with Local Businesses

DTU Students met with Local Businesses

February 23,2019

On February 22, the DTU Tourism Culture, Multimedia Communications and Literature & Journalism students met with business leaders from Furama Resort, Taxi Tien Sa, Vietdatravel, Phu Ninh Group, Vitours, Happy Farm and Coco River Resort Hoian...

Eight Researchers Nominated for 2019 Ta Quang Buu Awards

Eight Researchers Nominated for 2019 Ta Quang Buu Awards

March 5,2019

Eight scientists who have made significant contributions to the country’s science and technology sector were nominated for the 2019 Ta Quang Buu awards. The nominees studied topics such as Mathematics, Physics, Earth and Environmental Science, Biology and Agriculture, Mechanics and Life-Biomedical Sciences...

International Relations - The major for diplomats of the future

International Relations - The major for diplomats of the future

March 7,2019

Strong international diplomacy skills are becoming increasingly vital as Vietnam integrates with the world. They are essential for the country’s prestige and intra-governmental political and business affairs. We talked with Dr. Tran Xuan Hiep, Dean of the DTU Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities...

Associate Professor Nguyen Quang Hung Publishes in a Prestigious International Journal

Associate Professor Nguyen Quang Hung Publishes in a Prestigious International Journal

March 12,2019

The UK IOPScience journal, Reports on Progress in Physics (RoPP), published a review entitled “Pairing in excited nuclei”, summarizing the work of Associate Professor Nguyen Quang Hung, Director of the DTU Institute of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (IFAS); Dr. Nguyen Dinh Dang, from RIKEN, in Japan; and Professor Luciano Moretto, from the University of California Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory...

A DTU lecturer and her thoughts about Vietnamese Studies

A DTU lecturer and her thoughts about Vietnamese Studies

March 21,2019

Mrs. Tran Thi Anh Nguyet, a young DTU PhD, is known for her research in the field of Social Science & Humanities. She helps her students to win significant prizes and, in 2018, Le Van Thang came third in the Euréka Scientific Research competition. “After nine years of studying and working in Hanoi, I came to Danang to find a more creative and energetic environment to experiment with some new teaching methods...

Exchange Program with the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

Exchange Program with the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

April 2,2019

On March 29, DTU held a meeting, entitled “Culture in Central Vietnam - Trends in Human Resource Training for International Integration”. Attendees included delegates from the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, Dr. Do Thi Thanh Binh, Dean of the Graduate School at the academy, Dr. Nguyen Tan Thang, DTU Vice-Provost, staff, lecturers and students...

Talk with Young Reporter from Kontum

Talk with Young Reporter from Kontum

April 4,2019

For those who are dynamic and enthusiastic, journalism is an ideal job. Such is the case with Trinh Tat Thanh. Loving to analyze and process information in order to bring a multidimensional perspective on the realitys of life, Thanh chose to study Literature and Journalism at DTU. He is currently a reporter at Kontum News...

Social Sciences and Humanities Training at DTU in 2019

Social Sciences and Humanities Training at DTU in 2019

April 9,2019

Whenever supply does not meet demand as has been the case of late, graduates in social sciences and humanities suddenly become more wanted than ever. As one of the few universities in Danang offering training in social sciences and humanities, DTU is therefore attracting a great many students to these majors for this 2019 enrollment season...

Science and Technology Department to DTU on Work Visit

Science and Technology Department to DTU on Work Visit

April 15,2019

In order to improve the circular with guidelines for the development of strong research groups and the draft proposal for developing investment policy mechanisms for the development of laboratories and research programs at several key universities, a Science and Technology Department delegation surveyed twenty universities throughout the country...

DTU Scientist Wins Second Prize at Medicine Conference

DTU Scientist Wins Second Prize at Medicine Conference

May 22,2019

Participating in the first scientific conference on “Biotechnology and Biomedicine Applications in Clinical Medicine”, MD Hoang Ha, Deputy Director of the DTU Institute for Research and Training in Medicine, Biology, and Pharmacy, won a second prize for his paper entitled: “Plasmodium knowlesi malaria parasite transmission from monkeys...