Tiếng Việt

Tags: TU

Special Musical Poetry Night for Hero of Labor Le Cong Co

Special Musical Poetry Night for Hero of Labor Le Cong Co

November 29,2022

Hero of Labor and Meritorious Teacher Le Cong Co was born in Quang Nam, committed his youth to the struggle for liberation and is renowned as a soldier who gave all he could to the Revolution. After the war, he became a teacher who has dedicated himself ever since to the cause of education in Vietnam. From the age of 52, he created and developed Duy Tan University and is now Chairman of the Board of Trustees...

An MOU with the Japan Medical Association

An MOU with the Japan Medical Association

December 3,2022

On December 2nd, DTU signed an MOU with the Japan Medical Association (JMA) to open up opportunities for comprehensive collaboration and full scholarships for DTU Health Sciences students. Mr. Biyu, Chairman of Japan Medical Association; Mr. Nakashima Takashi, JMA Rector; Mr. Tanaka Yuji, JMA Head of the Training Department; and Ms. Imamura Nanami; Dr. Tran Nhat Tan, DTU Vice-Provost; Dr. Hoang Ha...

Many Enrollment Options in 2023 in the DTU Ecosystem

Many Enrollment Options in 2023 in the DTU Ecosystem

December 10,2022

DTU is known as a high-quality institution, evidenced by its high place in several of the world’s most prestigious ranking organizations, such as Times Higher Education (THE), the QS Rankings, the U.S. News & World Report, and by its recent international accreditations. With its multi-level and multi-disciplinary education system, from the undergraduate to PhD levels, DTU is the most appropriate choice for students...

Multi-Physics Simulations in Engineering Workshop

Multi-Physics Simulations in Engineering Workshop

December 12,2022

On December 9, DTU and the CADFEM Vietnam Company jointly held a workshop entitled: “Multi-Physics Simulations in Engineering with Ansys”, attended by CADFEM representatives and DTU staff and students. Dr. Vu Duong, Vice-Rector of the DTU School of Technology, said: "Recently, the application of information technology, especially the real-life simulation applications, has brought many benefits to the fields of education, medicine...

DTU Visits and Gives Gifts to Spratly Islands Soldiers

DTU Visits and Gives Gifts to Spratly Islands Soldiers

December 14,2022

On December 11, the DTU leadership, staff, lecturers and students visited the 4th Regional Command Naval Headquarters and the Truong Sa district People’s Committee, located in Khanh Hoa province. They took gifts for members of the 146th Brigade and the islanders to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam People’s Army and the 2023 Lunar New Year...

Top 10 teams at the ISITDTU CSF 2022 Finals

Top 10 teams at the ISITDTU CSF 2022 Finals

December 15,2022

On December 18, ten teams competed in the 2022 ISITDTU CTF (International Information Security Contest Finals). DTU has hosted the annual event since 2018, 170 national and international teams participated and DTU once again overwhelmed many of the other competitors. The contest is intended for both experts in the field of network security and also for interested local and international students.

DTU Hosts the 6th P2A Annual General Meeting

DTU Hosts the 6th P2A Annual General Meeting

December 17,2022

On December 12, Dr. Le Nguyen Tue Hang, DTU Vice-Provost and Director of the P2A Secretariat, hosted the 6th P2A Annual General Meeting, held online because of the continuing pandemic threat. Attendees included Mr. Jeroen Schedler, P2A Director of Strategic Planning and Advancement and Assistant President of Internationalization at Rangsit University in Thailand; Dr. Wing Raharjo, P2A Director for Entrepreneurship...

Training Session on Patent Protection

Training Session on Patent Protection

December 20,2022

On December 15, the Intellectual Property Office and DTU held a training session on the topic of patent protection, to focus on more effective enforcement and implementation in higher education institutes in Central Vietnam and the Central Highlands. Attendees included Mr. Bui Duy Nghia, Vice-Director of the Information Center at the Intellectual Property Department of Vietnam; Dr. Vo Thanh Hai, DTU Vice-Director...

An Interview with DTU Hospitality Student Nguyen Duc Thinh on VTV8

An Interview with DTU Hospitality Student Nguyen Duc Thinh on VTV8

December 21,2022

Nguyen Duc Thinh is a PSU Tourism & Travel Service Management student at DTU, from Hai Lang in Quang Tri Province, and was recently interviewed by the Ca Phe Tam VTV8 channel, which covers the Central and Highland regions of Vietnam. Thinh was awarded a full 4-year DTU scholarship and is a distinguished student who proactively dedicates himself energetically to several school activities...