Tiếng Việt

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An Agreement with Hitachi Vantara Vietnam

An Agreement with Hitachi Vantara Vietnam

April 24,2021

On April 23rd, DTU signed an agreement with the Hitachi Vantara Vietnam company to expand its business partnerships and broaden internship and career opportunities for DTU students. Attendees included Mr. Nguyen Ba Quynh, General Manager of Hitachi Vantara Vietnam; Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Ms. Nguyen Thi Quy Thao and Mr. Nguyen Van Hau, from the Hitachi Vantara Danang and Hanoi branch offices...

DTU Foreign Language Students Enjoy the Ideal Educational Environment

DTU Foreign Language Students Enjoy the Ideal Educational Environment

August 2,2021

Learning a foreign language demands hiring lecturers with a native mastery of the nuances of their mother tongue. A prime DTU objective is now the recruitment of increasing numbers of foreign language lecturers to create an international cultural environment which allows students to accelerate their progress. The university offers the following majors...

DTU IT and Electrical Engineering Students Upgrade their Practical Skills

DTU IT and Electrical Engineering Students Upgrade their Practical Skills

April 29,2021

Regular academic competitions and special workshops allow DTU IT and Electrical Engineering students to experience their future careers in advance in real-time, which has resulted in the awarding of major prizes and the introduction of new and unique products into the marketplace prior to graduation...

DTU Announces New Admission Policies in 2021

DTU Announces New Admission Policies in 2021

May 4,2021

Faced with a combination of major changes in employment, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and severe storms throughout 2020 and 2021, so far, DTU has rolled out a set of new policies to benefit applicants in difficult circumstances and attract talented students to its advanced and other high-quality programs...

Five Vietnamese Universities Enter the CWUR Top 2000 in 2021

Five Vietnamese Universities Enter the CWUR Top 2000 in 2021

May 8,2021

Compared to 2020, four Vietnamese universities in the CWUR’s 2000 Best Universities have impressively improved their rankings. Duy Tan University moved up 177 positions to 1,482nd in this year’s rankings. Ton Duc Thang University jumped 176 places to 1,426th. The Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City jumped 115 ranks from last year’s ranking to 1,619th in the ranking...

DTU on-air in the “School Discovery” broadcast, on May 8 at 7pm

DTU on-air in the “School Discovery” broadcast, on May 8 at 7pm

May 8,2021

Several eye-catching DTU locations and facilities were vividly presented in the program, giving students and parents an overview of the university, to help them decide which university and major to choose. Ms. Nguyen Thi Tran Chau, one of the top 35 Miss Vietnam 2020 contestants participated in this program and talked about the future of DTU and interviewed students, lecturers and Board of Provosts members...

The “Nam Thang Dang Nguoi” Memoir Passes the Flame of Passion to Many Younger Generations

The “Nam Thang Dang Nguoi” Memoir Passes the Flame of Passion to Many Younger Generations

May 27,2021

The memoir “Nam Thang Dang Nguoi” portrays the unforgettable memories of a young man who sacrificed the springtime of his life to the liberation movement of Central Vietnam before the war ended in 1975. The book is full of emotion and desire, authored by our Hero of Labor, Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, the esteemed “Captain” of Duy Tan University...

Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Minh is Featured in the Book “The Portrait of 100 Characters for ASEAN’s Development”

Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Minh is Featured in the Book “The Portrait of 100 Characters for ASEAN’s Development”

May 27,2021

The book was published to support the objective of forging links and actively integrating during the year of Vietnam’s Presidency of ASEAN, to evolve into a trustworthy partner in lasting peace. It celebrates the individual contributions of various scientists, intellectuals and businesspeople in ASEAN, whose lives and careers are explained in detail, like a lively slow-motion film, rich in color...

DTU Journal Indexed by SCOPUS

DTU Journal Indexed by SCOPUS

May 28,2021

A journal entitled “EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems” has been added to the SCOPUS database by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). The journal is published by Duy Tan University in conjunction with the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), which has 90,000 members in 167 countries...

Scientific Research by International School Students

Scientific Research by International School Students

June 10,2021

Improving education requires the integration of many factors, such as innovative curricula and training programs, increased investment in facilities and equipment, the broadening of international collaborations, the improvement of employee skills and the development of more advanced research. Participation enables students to apply their classroom knowledge to practical situations encountered elsewhere...