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The 2024 P2A Hybrid Mobility in Health Sciences Closing Ceremony

On July 9th, 2024, the 2024 Hybrid Mobility in Health Sciences closing ceremony took place with both online and offline formats after a month of producing videos on Health Sciences. The event saw the participation of students from DTU and 17 other universities worldwide. The top 6 outstanding videos created by the groups were further evaluated by the organizers to select the best one.


B? m?c Chuong trình Hybrid Mobility in Health Science 2024

The closing ceremony saw the participation of students from DTU and 17 universities worldwide

Held from June 11th to July 9th, 2024, this year's Hybrid Mobility in Health Science saw the participation of over 110 students from 17 universities across higher education institutions in Southeast Asia and other countries worldwide.


In addition to engaging activities aimed at connecting the participants, students were divided into 10 groups to discuss and create video projects on health science issues such as nutrition, cancer, infectious diseases, chronic non-communicable diseases, over-the-counter medications, learning environments, and employment opportunities.


B? m?c Chuong trình Hybrid Mobility in Health Science 2024

The top 6 outstanding videos were further evaluated by the organizers to select the best one


The teams expertly employed the special sound, lighting, and cinematographic effects in line with the theme of the program. The judges recognized the high quality of the video projects and awarded certificates to the standout videos created by DTU students and students from ASEAN countries.  


B? m?c Chuong trình Hybrid Mobility in Health Science 2024

The program organizers awarded certificates to the standout videos

Dr. Kristine Y. Opulencia, Vice President for Academic Affairs at Rizal Technological University (Philippines), shared: "I would like to extend my congratulations to all the students who participated in the 2024 Hybrid Mobility in Health Science program for their tremendous accomplishment. More than just the achievement to be added in your CVs, this experience has harnessed your potential to interact and engage with our bright, amazing judges. Their advices will form part of the wisdom and knowledge you will need once you are catapulted to the future of your professions. And more than anything else, please don’t forget why we are doing what we are doing: to improve access to healthcare and promote the health and wellbeing of every individual. 


In an age where we are too focused on various priorities, we often forget our own health. We need the advocacy of P2A so that people will give importance to their own health. We need more people to be engaged and create platforms where healthcare, disease prevention, and rehabilitation are a priority.


Lastly, to quote words from Mother Teresa, “The greatest disease today is not tuberculosis or leprosy, it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love.” That is why P2A is creating this platform to connect people, institutions, and communities. It is a message that one cannot simply do alone. A song by The Beatles: All You Need is Love: All you need is love and love is all you need now and in the future.”


(Media Center)