
DTU Blood Donation Day

On September 28th, the DTU Youth Union partnered with the Danang Hospital to hold a blood drive, with 700 students attending.
A DTU student giving blood
For many years now, DTU has been one of leading universities in volunteer activities. DTU works with local hospitals to hold drives three times a year, demonstrating the social commitment of DTU students, with the motto “Don't just take, give.”   
Students queue to give blood
Huynh Luong Phuoc Hung of class 19NCD said: “This is the third time I have given blood at DTU. Blood donation is a traditional activity in my family because my father is a doctor and so I understand that giving blood is healthy. Regular donations may also improve blood flow.”
Nguyen Xuan Kha, a student of class YDK7K23 said: “Though I felt a little nervous, I still wanted to give blood, because I believe that students should participate in helping in the community.”
In all, five hundred units of blood were donated, which was sent to the Danang Hospital blood bank to help sick patients.
(Media Center)
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Duy Tan University’s mission is to focus on the education and research of various sciences and technologies in order to produce dynamic, creative, healthy graduates, who love their country, possess humanitarian Vietnamese values, a sense of community, self-confidence and a broad range of capabilities and skills, to become Citizens of the World.

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