Corporate Accounting

Corporate Accounting

Accounting is the key to business effectiveness, crucial to providing managers with the most accurate economic and financial information. This will allow them to  make precise decisions and to ensure financial continuity within a company. It requires the accountant to meticulously acquire, process and provide financial information during the corporate development process. Based on that information, companies will be able to optimize their financial plans to extend development plans into the next stage. Students must therefore familiarize themselves thoroughly with the latest Accounting Management, Auditing, Financial Accounting, Taxation and other knowledge.  
Chuyên ngành Kế toán Doanh nghiệp
Bachelor’s Degree: 4 years
Associate Bachelor’s Degree: 3 years
Training Program
The training program consists of 127 credits in:
- General subjects: General Informatics, Introduction to Law, Ho Chi Minh Ideology, Calculus, English (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels) and more.
- Specialized subjects: Accounting Postulate, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Financial Management, Taxation and so on.
- Internships
Working skills
- Specialist skills: To be able to work well in various types of enterprises, either with manual or computer-based accounting systems.
- English language skills: To be able to communicate, to handle office work in basic English in an international working environment and to be fluent in specialized English.
- Computer skills: To be able to work in an information technology environment on specialized computer and software applications. 
- Other skills: To be able to work in a team or individually, to communicate and make presentations, to conduct research solutions to potential problems and broaden specialized knowledge and skills.
Career prospects
Graduates will become:
- General accountants and management accountants in small or medium-sized businesses.
- Accountants in charge of salaries, fixed assets, supplies, payments, taxes and debts.
- Office workers
- Specialists in analyzing financial reports
- Specialists in managing corporate finances
- Lecturers
- Auditors
Academic Programs


  • Year of founding:  1994

    Address: Room 701, 254 Nguyen Van Linh, Danang

    Tel: 0236.3650.403 (ext 701)

    Fax:  0236.3650.443



  • Auditing (Major code:D340301; Minor code:405)

    Corporate Accounting (Major code: D340301; Minor code:406)


    For further information, please visit

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