
DTU Offers Multimedia Communications Program in 2017

This year, with the approval of the Ministry of Education and Training, DTU became the first private university in Vietnam to offer a Multimedia Communications program. Social Science and Humanities lecturers had considered this since 2013 and then began investing in facilities, staff and curricula.
Dr. Nguyen Tan Thang of DTU, signs an agreement with 
Ms. Dieu Hien, Deputy Chief Representative of the Thanhnien newspaper in Central region
Ms. Vo Thi Kim Ngan, Head of the DTU Department of Literature and Journalism, said: “In addition to broadening their general knowledge, students of the Multimedia Communications program will learn about publication, radio and television broadcasting, e-journals, advertising, art, how to solve enterprise communications crisis and so on. Multimedia Communications will be a very popular major. Graduates of this program will be able to find careers in Advertising, Law, Education and elsewhere. In the first 5 years, we expect to enroll 100 students.”
The overview
DTU signed agreements with several local media companies, including the Danang Radio and TV Station (DRT), and the Thanhnien, Congan Danang, Nguoi Lao Dong newspapers and the Danang Publisher to offer with ideal study environment and career opportunities on graduation.  
Mr. Hong Quang Nam, Vice-Director of DRT, said: “Recent surveys showed that the number of TV  viewers between 16 and 22 years old is slowly falling because other diversified multimedia channels are developing quickly, attracting the attention of our youth. Many amateur products have appeared with very unique features and experienced much interest. DTU’s new multimedia course is well-timed to educate professionals who will be qualified to communicate with and inform the general public on a wide variety of topics and issues in the future.”
Dr. Thang affirmed that: “Multimedia is at the intersection of Communications and IT and DTU now has the infrastructure and equipment to teach it. The university focuses on IT and has experienced great success in this field, based on significant ongoing research. Students have won big prizes in national and international competitions, with new graduates finding employment easily. DTU is the home of the Silver Swallows Studio, the IT and Software Engineering centers, the Technology Journal and the Media center which supports training and practical work. The Ministry of Education and Training permitted DTU to carefully plan and announce a unique Multimedia degree program to train professionals to meet the latest qualifications to enhance people’s lives and socioeconomic development.”
(Media Center)
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