Administration and Workforce

The DTU Administrative Team

In addition to its highly-qualified lecturers, DTU excellent administrative team supports the management and education at the university. They are concentrated in the faculties, university centers and departments. Over the years, the team has developed steadily. Their professional management has contributed greatly to the stability and durability at DTU. 
Đội ngũ cán bộ làm công tác hành chính luôn nỗ lực để hỗ trợ sinh viên có môi người học tập và sinh hoạt tốt nhất
DTU excellent administrative team supports the management and education at the university
The DTU administrative staff are young, dynamic and creative. In addition to managing, they actively lecture in their respective subject areas, passing on their hands-on experience to students and promoting a strong connection between theory and practice, in keeping with the university’s long-standing educational philosophy. The combination of professional staff and enthusiastic and skilled lecturers has allowed DTU to gradually affirm its brand in times of rapid development and integration.


Year of Founding: 1994
  • Enrolled 130,000 research, postgraduate, pre-graduate, and high-school level students.

  • 70,000 students graduated.

  • Current number of students: 20,000

Education Quality
  • The first private university in Vietnam to meet National Educational Quality Standards.
  • DTU has four ABET-accredited programs, including Software Technology/Engineering, Network Engineering, Management Information Systems and Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 

  • DTU achieves UNWTO TedQual certification in two majors: International Hotel Management and International Restaurant Management

  • 95% of DTU students are employed within six months of graduation.

  • Almost 100% of all IT and Hospitality graduates are employed.

  • 100% of DTU students of Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Engineering and Food Industry are offered jobs upon graduation

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Duy Tan University’s mission is to focus on the education and research of various sciences and technologies in order to produce dynamic, creative, healthy graduates, who love their country, possess humanitarian Vietnamese values, a sense of community, self-confidence and a broad range of capabilities and skills, to become Citizens of the World.

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Điện thoại: (+84) 236.3650403 - (+84) 236.3827111