Programs and Degrees

Academic programs offered at Duy Tan University

The DTU system of degrees and diplomas is diversified, providing students with many study options.


The following degrees are offered:


- Ph.D.: three programs

- Master’s degrees: six programs

- Bachelor’s degrees: 49 programs

- Associate Bachelor’s degrees: 16 programs

- Vocational Associate degrees: three programs


Transferable programs between different academic levels include:


- From Professional High School diploma level to Bachelor’s degree level: 7 programs

- From Associate’s degree level to Bachelor’s degree level: 8 programs

- From Vocational Associate’s degree level to Bachelor’s degree levels: 3 majors


DTU offers a wide range of academic programs, including Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunications, Business Management, Construction, Architecture, Medicine, Pharmacology, Literature and Journalism, International Relations, Cultural Tourism and Economic Law.


Schools & Faculties


- DTU International School

- DTU Graduate School

- Faculty of Information Technology

- Faculty of Accountancy

- Faculty of Electrical Engineering  

- Faculty of Civil Engineering

- Faculty of Architecture

- Faculty of Hospitality & Tourism

- Faculty of Foreign Languages

- Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities

- Faculty of Business Administration

- Faculty of Environmental & Chemical Engineering

- Faculty of Pharmacology

- Faculty of Nursing

- Faculty of Medicine

- Faculty of Natural Sciences

- Faculty of Law

- DTU Polytechnic

- Faculty of Political Science

- eUniversity


28 years of development, DTU has enrolled 1,200 Ph.D and Master’s candidates through its 17 post-graduate courses, 70,000 in 22 undergraduate and Associate Bachelor’s Degree programs and more than 1,400 in vocational programs. The University has educated many highly qualified members for the labor force which actively contributed to the industrialization and modernization of the area.


Year of Founding: 1994
  • Enrolled 130,000 research, postgraduate, pre-graduate, and high-school level students.

  • 70,000 students graduated.

  • Current number of students: 20,000

Education Quality
  • The first private university in Vietnam to meet National Educational Quality Standards.
  • DTU has four ABET-accredited programs, including Software Technology/Engineering, Network Engineering, Management Information Systems and Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 

  • DTU achieves UNWTO TedQual certification in two majors: International Hotel Management and International Restaurant Management

  • 95% of DTU students are employed within six months of graduation.

  • Almost 100% of all IT and Hospitality graduates are employed.

  • 100% of DTU students of Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Engineering and Food Industry are offered jobs upon graduation

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Duy Tan University’s mission is to focus on the education and research of various sciences and technologies in order to produce dynamic, creative, healthy graduates, who love their country, possess humanitarian Vietnamese values, a sense of community, self-confidence and a broad range of capabilities and skills, to become Citizens of the World.

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Address: 254 Nguyen Van Linh, Danang, Vietnam

Tel: (+84) 236.3650403 - (+84) 236.3827111