Hospitality and Tourism School

The DTU Tourism and Hospitality Program Ranked in Top 50+ Worldwide

As one of the most renown universities in Vietnam for Tourism and Hospitality education, DTU has been highly ranked in various rankings for this field so far.
DTU students majoring in Tourism and Hospitality are able to develop comprehensive skills thanks to TedQual accredited curricula, along with numerous extracurricular activities that embody the GenZ spirit.
The world is witnessing a strong recovery in Tourism after the pandemic, yet inversely, there is a severe shortage of tourism workforce. This presents an opportunity and the most appropriate time for the younger generation to choose to study tourism and secure a good job position in the future.
The DTU Tourism and Hospitality Program ranked in the Top 51-100 globally
The DTU Tourism program is highly ranked on global rankings, notably:
In Top 51-100 worldwide according to the QS World Rankings by Subjects 2023,
Ranked Top 101-150 worldwide by the Shanghai Ranking in 2023.
H?c Du l?ch ? ÐH Duy Tân v?i x?p h?ng Top 50  th? gi?i
The DTU ranked in the Top 51-100 globally according to the QS World Rankings by Subjects 2023
DTU offers a wide range of majors in the field of Tourism, specifically:
Hotel Management with following minors:
- Tourism & Hotel Management,
- International Hotel Management (PSU) (Accredited by UNWTO.TedQual).
Tourism & Travel Services Management with following minors:
- Tourism & Travel Management,
- International Tourism & Travel Management (program following PSU or Pennsylvania State University, USA standards),
- Tourism & Airline Services Management,
- International Tour Guiding (English),
- International Tour Guiding (Korean),
- International Tour Guiding (Chinese).
Event Management with following minors
- Event & Entertainment Management.
Tourism with a minor in Smart Tourism.
Restaurant & Food Service Management with a minor in International Restaurant Management (PSU) (Accredited by UNWTO.TedQual).
Family Economics with a minor: Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) Management & Entrepreneurship.
The programs achieved TedQual certification and are "imported" from the US at DTU include:
For many years, DTU students of Tourism have "enjoyed" high-quality education in this sector, as most of the academic programs are "imported" from Pennsylvania State University, one of the top 50 institutions for Economics and Business Administration in the United States (according to U.S. News 2023) and one of the Top 5 institutions for Tourism training worldwide (according to UNWTO). These programs include:
PSU standard in Hotel Tourism,
PSU standard in Travel Tourism, and
PSU standard in Restaurant Management.
During their studies, students are provided with a comprehensive knowledge base and "soft" skills, preparing them thoroughly for their professional careers. They will receive between 19-21 course completion certificates issued by Penn State University. These certificates are recognized by US universities and are valuable if students wish to transfer their credits to obtain a US degree or pursue further studies in the US.
H?c Du l?ch ? ÐH Duy Tân v?i x?p h?ng Top 50  th? gi?i
The UNWTO has recognized DTU International Hotel Management and DTU
International Restaurant Management for meeting the TedQual certification standards
The quality of Tourism education at DTU was further affirmed when the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) of the United Nations recognized two training programs International Hotel Management and International Restaurant Management on July 8, 2022. These programs officially met the TedQual certification standards with a notably high score of 771 out of 845 points, satisfying 91.2% of all criteria, and achieved accreditation for 3 years.
This international accreditation is also chosen by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong PolyU) - the world's leading in tourism and hotel management across many rankings. Hong Kong PolyU, which has been directly guiding and advising DTU over the past three years to help DTU to achieve this accreditation. The UNWTO.TedQual certification is somewhat considered the equivalent of "AACSB in tourism".
Modern Facilities
Few universities are as committed to systematically investing in modern equipment for teaching and learning as DTU. The university boasts a complete and diverse ecosystem of facilities specifically tailored for the Tourism majors. This includes a 5-star practice hotel, a Convention Center, the UTravel Agency, and a café. This conducive learning environment is designed to maximally support the students in their practical training, enhancing their skills to confidently work in real-world settings after graduation.
H?c Du l?ch ? ÐH Duy Tân v?i x?p h?ng Top 50  th? gi?i
DTU students of Tourism study with a modern system of practical/training rooms
DTU has been chosen as a co-organizer for a UNWTO Conference
With significant contributions to the training of high-quality tourism personnel and being the only university in Vietnam to achieve UNWTO's TedQual certification for International Hotel Management and International Restaurant Management.
dào t?o Du l?ch c?a ÐH Duy Tân
DTU has been chosen as a co-organizer for a UNWTO Conference
DTU was selected to co-host The 17th UNWTO Asia/Pacific Executive Training Programme on Tourism Policy and Strategy, the only programme of its kind in the region and is renowned for its stimulating content and thought-provoking discussions, from 13 - 16 November 2023. Forty-nine delegates who attend the Executive Training Programme are high-level officials within their respective governments across Asia and the Pacific region, such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Japan, Iran, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar and Vietnam
Professor Dr. Mo Chul Min, former Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of South Korea, has also decided to join the School to contribute to the development of tourism human resources, serving as the Vice Chancellor of DTU and as the Dean of the DTU School of Tourism (HTi). 
Tru?ng Du l?ch
A lot of international exchange activities are held, bringing excitement and enthusiasm to students
Through the dedicated efforts of Professor Dr. Mo Chul Min, along with the commitment of the faculty, staff, and students of the DTU School of Tourism (HTi), the training activities, student exchange programs, and cultural exchanges have been implemented extremely effectively, bringing new excitement to the school. The ASEAN-Korea Cultural Exchange Week, hosted by DTU in collaboration with the Korean Cultural Center in Hanoi and the Korea Tourism Organization in Vietnam at DTU, introduced a fresh breeze with numerous connecting activities, cultural exchanges, and culinary experiences between ASEAN countries and Korea. Among these events, 16 Korean artists from the New York Classical Music Society (NY CMS) delivered an inspiring performance filled with the sounds of classical and Christmas music at DTU on the evening of December 16, 2023.
This valuable energy continuously replenished further empowers students in the Tourism sector at DTU to confidently learn and experience, as well as brings confidence to prospective students who are passionate about Tourism to choose to enroll in university today.
For more information about admissions, please visit:
(Media Center)


  • Year of founding: 

    Address: Room 301, Hospitality & Tourism Institute, 254 Nguyen Van Linh, Danang

    Tel: 0236.3650.403 (ext 301)

    Fax: 0236.3650.443



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